The overnight stay

It’s Sunday morning, and the house is silent. I can hear the clock ticking in the next room and the rain spattering the window. I am completely unsettled by the silence.

The boys, both of them, spent last night with Granny and Papa Lou. It was the first time they both stayed over together, although Tristan has stayed over a few times before. They were, of course, beside themselves with excitement as we got ready to go over yesterday after dinner. I dropped them off, and they barely noticed when I left. Papa Lou had already set up the DVD player with their favourite movie, and Granny was in the kitchen preparing a snack tray. I knew they were in good hands.

Because Beloved is swamped with work and behind with his lesson plans, he elected to stay home while I went out for a movie with a friend. (The Illusionist – a terrific movie, except I kept waiting for Edward Norton to say, “I am Jack’s broken heart.”) When I got home the house was palpably emptier, and I had to convince myself not to go and look in on their empty beds just before I went to bed myself.

I just called over to see how things went. My mother has the boys out at WalMart, but my father said that it had gone reasonably well. “They were up at four thirty,” he added, almost as an afterthought.

“For the DAY?” I asked, cringing. “That’s a little early!”

“Hmmm, I thought so, too,” he said, with barely concealed irony.

Oh well. Maybe my folks will be willing to try again when they’re teenagers and sleeping until noon…

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

8 thoughts on “The overnight stay”

  1. Wow Dani! You’re so brave to let the go overnight. It’s a mother’s curse — needing alone time, but missing them like crazy when they’re not around!
    I hope Beloved catches up with himself. I’m glad to hear you treated yourself to a night out!
    (And kudos to your folks for taking the boys overnight!)

  2. Wow Dani! You’re so brave to let the go overnight. It’s a mother’s curse — needing alone time, but missing them like crazy when they’re not around!
    I hope Beloved catches up with himself. I’m glad to hear you treated yourself to a night out!
    (And kudos to your folks for taking the boys overnight!)

  3. It’s too bad you and the hubby could not have spent it as a date night. Oh well Work pays the bills and we all have too many of those.
    Next time.

  4. It’s too bad you and the hubby could not have spent it as a date night. Oh well Work pays the bills and we all have too many of those.
    Next time.

  5. Are you sure you didn’t squeeze in a little nookie?
    And, you know, even if you didn’t, your parents think you probably did.

  6. Are you sure you didn’t squeeze in a little nookie?
    And, you know, even if you didn’t, your parents think you probably did.

  7. I have YET to be able to enjoy the couple of times the kids have slept away. It completely creeps me out.
    I’m sure they will be volunteering again soon. I think it is a great thing for a grandparent relationship. I used to LOVE going to my grandparent’s for the night!

  8. I have YET to be able to enjoy the couple of times the kids have slept away. It completely creeps me out.
    I’m sure they will be volunteering again soon. I think it is a great thing for a grandparent relationship. I used to LOVE going to my grandparent’s for the night!

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