Life’s great mysteries

I’ve stumbled upon another one of life’s great mysteries. Like the solution for pi, the divine proportion, and the secret of how they get the caramilk into the chocolate shell, this one will be puzzling humanity for aeons to come.

How did they work it so that it takes exactly one roll of paper towels to soak up the entire contents of a freshly opened bag of milk?

And did you further know that if you hear Simon poking about in the kitchen, followed by a thunk, a splash, an “oh oh”, and a “Hey, my feets wet!” you’ll be well on your way to discovering this ancient mystery for yourself?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

5 thoughts on “Life’s great mysteries”

  1. Oohhhh…. I wonder if this has been covered in any of the conspiracy theories?
    At least he didn’t try and soak up all hte milk with his socks and his coveralls like someone else I know!

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