What’s that, you say? You want more pictures of adorable, happy boys having fun on a beautiful day? If you insist…
On Saturday morning, we went to a pancake breakfast at our local firestation, a fundraiser by the local Lions Club. The breakfast itself, at $6 per person, is somewhere between forgettable and downright inedible, but the chance for little boys to play on firetrucks and police motorcycles is priceless.
We recently had some neighbourhood excitement when a woman thought she had a gas leak, called the gas company, protocol has it they dispatch 911. There were three firetrucks and an ambulance right behind our house. The entire neighbrouhood was there! The best part was a couple of terrific firemen came and talked to all the kids, and took them on a tour of all the trucks. We even got to sit in them, but of course, no pics.
Didja see any cute firemen??
What great pictures. Your boys are so cute!
Love the photos! How’d you get up high enough to get such great shots of the boys in the driver’s seat?!?!
Priceless indeed!
Too adorable for words! What is it about firetrucks that fascinate kids so?
It looks like GREAT fun! My kiddo would have not just stood at the door of the *great* engine he would have just attempted climbing right in. 😉
*grin* Thanks, all. It really was a lovely morning.
Nancy, are there any firemen that *aren’t* cute? What’s up with that?
Miche, I have bruises on my knees from kneeling on the ‘bumper’ part of the fire engines to get those pix – thanks!!
ohh! i love that one of simon at the wheel of the firetruck. what a great expression on his face. your boys are adorable, as usual. 🙂
Cuties. I love the one of Simon ‘driving’!
cute boys and firetrucks, what a delectable combination!
So adorable! I love the first one where Simon’s looking up at his big brother. Can’t I play too?
That looks like the most fun ever. You’ve inspired me to take my little guy to the fire station too.
Recently a firetruck was parked outside the grocery store. On our way in we walked towards it to show our toddler who is fascinated with weeooo weeooo trucks. The firemen were so nice. They opened the back and let the kids climb in. The even truned on the siren for a second and scared the pants off our awestruck little boy.
And yes, they were cute. Oh to be young and single. I’d be having small kitchen fires and smoke in my chimney every other day. 😉