A little bit of sunshine

If you are particularly perceptive, you may have intuited recently that I have been unbearably cranky a little out of sorts. For about a week, I’ve been making a conscious effort to shake off this funk – but I was having a hell of a time doing it.

Then yesterday, I was driving through the drizzly, grey remnants of a freezing rain storm, and I felt a break in my internal cloud cover. It was as obvious as that; I just felt a little bit lighter, a little bit brighter, and I’ve been feeling better – more like myself – ever since.

So what made the difference? I think sometimes sadness just has to run its course, just like a virus. But, a few of these things might have helped:


I went to see the doctor yesterday about a spot on my arm. I’m fair skinned and freckled, and have had a lifelong love affair with the sun, and so one of the number one things I fear most in the deep dark part of the night is skin cancer. When I saw a rough patch with little pustules like I’d never seen before, I called for an appointment as soon as possible. You know what it was? Stress-induced eczema. (What is this stress thing to which you refer??) I’ve never had eczema before, nor has anyone in my family, to my knowledge. But I’ll take it over skin cancer any day!


I’ve been very hard on myself over flunking my French exam. I’ve spent the week cursing Trudeau and his bilingual utopian ideals every time I heard or read a word in French. Coincidentally, we had our last French class this week, and I was so demoralized I almost didn’t go – except I’m quite fond of the teacher, so I did. They had a nice little layout of snacks and goodies (that alone was worth the price of admission), and the big boss came around to hand out certificates of achievement for all the students, which was also a nice touch. The thing that restored my faith in myself, though, was a special award of distinction for the person who made the most improvement through the year – and they chose me. I was deeply touched and absurdly pleased.


And then of course, there are my adorable boys. They have been (searches for a word to replace ‘hellions’) a bit challenging lately. And for the love of all things holy, would it kill them to sleep beyond 5:30 in the morning? But last night we had one of those nights where I wonder why I find it so difficult to balance everything the rest of the time.

Simon, tearfully, having just crashed face-first into the carpet, in response to my question “What did you hurt?” : “I hurt… I hurt… I hurt … myself.”

Tristan, pushing Percy around a Lego track: “I am doing a very important job. This is important. Very very important. This is a very important task.” (pause) “It’s not so important.”

The wisdom of babes. He’s right – it’s not so important.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

26 thoughts on “A little bit of sunshine”

  1. Aww honey, I am so glad that you are feeling better.
    Very impressed with your award. So, when I introduce you to people should I say “This The Most Improved French Student of The Year award winner, Dani.”? Just like they do for Oscar winners. I think you should consider it. You know much I believe in shouting out one’s accomplishments. And you’ve got many to shout out, it may take awhile to introduce you.
    I should have known that your sadness had lifted when I trotted outside to Amelia in car and I wasn’t freezing my butt off. And I was in a T-shirt. The universe is happy that you are happy again. I think that I am going to play in the puddles at lunch!

  2. Aww honey, I am so glad that you are feeling better.
    Very impressed with your award. So, when I introduce you to people should I say “This The Most Improved French Student of The Year award winner, Dani.”? Just like they do for Oscar winners. I think you should consider it. You know much I believe in shouting out one’s accomplishments. And you’ve got many to shout out, it may take awhile to introduce you.
    I should have known that your sadness had lifted when I trotted outside to Amelia in car and I wasn’t freezing my butt off. And I was in a T-shirt. The universe is happy that you are happy again. I think that I am going to play in the puddles at lunch!

  3. Glad to hear you are coming out of your funk. I’m kind of in a funk this morning. The baby is sick and I still left him at the sitter’s because I had so much to do at work today. Bad mother, I know.

  4. Glad to hear you are coming out of your funk. I’m kind of in a funk this morning. The baby is sick and I still left him at the sitter’s because I had so much to do at work today. Bad mother, I know.

  5. Wahoo! Big *pat-on-the-back* for that Schnazzy Award ya got there!
    Happy good health!
    Your boys sound so adorable and cute! (And so very easy to enjoy when you’re not living in the same house!)
    Wishing you happy thoughts as you head in to the weekend….

  6. Wahoo! Big *pat-on-the-back* for that Schnazzy Award ya got there!
    Happy good health!
    Your boys sound so adorable and cute! (And so very easy to enjoy when you’re not living in the same house!)
    Wishing you happy thoughts as you head in to the weekend….

  7. You know, that’s exactly how my depressions lift, too. They just crack open, and I feel better. I feel so lucky that it happens like that.
    I’ve never been glad to hear that someone has eczema before!

  8. You know, that’s exactly how my depressions lift, too. They just crack open, and I feel better. I feel so lucky that it happens like that.
    I’ve never been glad to hear that someone has eczema before!

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