Ghosts of Hallowe’ens Past

Much to my disappointment, the weather in October wasn’t conducive to our annual trip to the pumpkin patch this year, so we don’t have the kind of truly adorable pictures we’ve snapped in prior years (if I do say so myself!)

However, since this is blog’s first Hallowe’en, I have no trouble hauling out the old photos to give you the proper chance to ooh and ahh over my scrumptuous pumpkins of years past.

First, Tristan the Great Pumpkin of 2002:

Then, the pumpkin became a monkey in 2003, and I became the pumpkin (at 6 months pregnant):

Last year, there was a new pumkin in town, and the monkey morphed into a caterpillar:

But I really do love a good pumpkin patch photo (also 2004):

Happy Halloween!!


Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “Ghosts of Hallowe’ens Past”

  1. Ooooh I so remember these pics!!! They are almost as delicious seeing them for a second time around. I can’t wait to see what your little ones are today. BOO!

  2. How cool are you for dressing up as a pumpkin while pregnant???
    If the timing had been right for me to dress up for Halloween while heavily pregnant, I would have had to go as a great white whale. Like Moby Dick, only less maneuverable…
    The pumkin patch photos are so breathtakingly cute!!!

  3. what a great retrospective!
    happy to see these pics again, seems like just yesterday…

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