Bloggy confessions redux

Yesterday’s rant on my bloggy obsessions started to run a little long, so I shut myself down. (See, there are editorial processes at work here, just very very loosely applied ones driven mostly by whimsy and caprice.)

But the question still remains… if you can’t blog at work, and you can’t blog at home, then where the heck do you blog? The answer is, everywhere. I’m constantly blogging in my head. It’s shameful to think about how many brain cells are dedicated to blog thoughts on a given day. I think about blogs (yours, mine, the ones on my blogroll, all the ones that I might add to my blogroll if only there were about six more hours in the day to explore the blogosphere) pretty damn near all the time. I do the mental blog while I am waiting for the microwave to beep, while I am making photocopies, while I am showering, while I am walking the dog. Don’t tell the boss, but I have been known to think about blogging during staff meetings. But only during the boring parts.

I’ve been thinking about what Ann over at Mother of All Blogs wrote recently about being WriterMom, and while I am not presumptuous enough to categorize myself with her as a writer, I know for a fact I have drifted in conversation to the “I’m here but not really here” thousand yard stare as I contemplate my inner-blogger. Actually, what Ann wrote is just a really great excuse for absentmindedness IMHO, for I’d rather be accused of contemplating exciting writing projects than just contemplating my navel, which is equally likely to be true.

Sometimes I even lie awake at night, thinking about things I’ve read, or things I could write. I am such a droll and witty blogger at 3 am, you wouldn’t believe it. I tried leaving a pencil and paper beside my bed, but when I read it the next morning the only word I could decipher was ‘pickle’ and despite my best effort I just couldn’t make a clever blog from that paucity of material.

True confessions time: where do you do your best blog-thinking? How many hours a day do you dedicate to blog thoughts?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

4 thoughts on “Bloggy confessions redux”

  1. Well Danigirl
    I’m not a working mom. So I think about blogging when I’m not being yelled at to get ME SOME APPLE JUICE. OR gee I’ve put those 3 dishes in the dishwasher I think I deserve a blog break. Or I wonder what I could read in one of the blogs if i didn’t have to clean this toilet. Do I really need a clean toilet? Blog reading is sooo much more important. I’m wearing a path out to the computer to the point that my Little guy is saying….Mommy your not reading the computer again are you?
    BA here I come.

  2. I do believe there are times I find myself thinking in ‘blogese’. Then I think to myself “Hey, maybe I should start my own blog!” and then I remind myself that there are some days I don’t have enough time for regular things, so wouldn’t be fair to all of my fans. Maybe once the kids are in school – you know – in about 3 years.
    Till then, I shall remain one of your #1 fans!

  3. I can only write when baby is sleeping but I think in blogspeak all the time now. I’ll read or see something and think – I must put that in my blog! It’s all a bit distracting really.

  4. SCM, I vote no, you really don’t need that clean toilet if it means less blog time!
    And Nancy, you know me and you know that I really don’t have time for blog either! You’re just teasing us with a really long wait for your blog’s debut.
    What we need is some sort of brain-to-blog interface that doesn’t involve a chair, a keyboard or a monitor. Where’s tech support when you need them? (Off puzzling over my obscenity reports, probably!)
    Jen, do you find you have that “I must put that in my blog” thought about 10 times a day, but when you actually sit down you can’t remember a single thing you thought of? That’s my problem!
    xo Danigirl

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