Welcome All in a Day listeners!

If this is your first time here, hello! Pull up a chair and grab a coffee.

Curious about project 365? It’s quite simple, really. Take a picture each day for a year. I post mine to Flickr and to this blog, but I have a friend who is doing her 365 on her own, just for the sake of doing it. You don’t need a fancy camera, you don’t need to be a good photographer… you just need to take a picture each and every day for an entire year. Sound too ambitious? What about a Project 52, a photo each week for a year?

It’s a simple concept, but deceptively difficult! There will be many days when you don’t want to take a picture, many days when you are sick to death of the very sight of your camera. But for all the occasional irritation and frustration, I have to say it’s been a wonderful adventure for me, and I’m so glad I decided to try it. 183 days down, 182 to go!

If you’re interested in knowing more about my 365 project, you can read more about it on my 365 page, or on the first post I wrote about the project. The full set of pictures so far is also on Flickr.

Each week I write a post featuring the pictures I’ve taken, with a few thoughts on what went well or poorly that week, what challenged or inspired me, or the technical aspects of some of the photographs . You can read them in the Project 365 category. I’ve also started writing a few posts to share the things I’m learning about photography, and you can read those in the Family Photographer category.

There are some great groups on Flickr if you’re interested in trying a 365 project of your own. I’m not sure I’d’ve made it this far if it weren’t for the inspiration and support from my friends in the 365 Community, and there’s a vibrant if not a little bit loopy community of local photographers in the Ottawa group on Flickr. For a primer on the 365 project, I recommend PhotoJoJo.

Thanks for dropping by, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on Project 365 — feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

3 thoughts on “Welcome All in a Day listeners!”

  1. I really enjoy this project and am so happy you mentioned it to me. I started Feb.9th so am 164 photos into the project. I thought I would have been bored by now as I have the attention span of a nat but each day I start fresh. I have learned to look at my world differently. The project 52 sounds good for next year.

  2. I am seriously considering this project for next year. I have no idea if I can follow through, but I think I’ll give it a try.

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