Contact me


Having said that, I love to hear from people who read this blog, so please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or to e-mail me at hello (at) danigirl (dot) ca.

Can you believe this blog is almost 20 years old? I don’t blog here much anymore, so the site is resting pretty much as an archive. I’ve got lots of other adventures going on, though, like Mothership Photography (fun family portraits) and Rideau River Tarot (readings, parties, lessons and tarot events).

You can stalk me across the Interwebs:
Twitter: @DaniGirl
Instagram: Dani_Girl or my latest adventure Curious.Crone
Portraits: Mothership Photography
Commercial photography: Getty Images
LinkedIn: Danielle Donders (I don’t go here much!)

You can find out more about me and the blog on the – surprise! – about me page. The blog was updated to a new format in 2023 and lost a lot of custom coding (funny how technology changes in 10 years when you’re busy raising kids) but I wanted to leave it here so we can continue to share our stories with you.

A special note to advertisers, marketers and PR firms:

This site is a labour of love and the purpose of the blog is connection and community, not profit. I do accept some advertising and I do a limited number of giveaways and sponsored posts. I do not accept guest posts, paid or otherwise. Please contact me for more information.

Marketing and PR folks, I don’t mind reading your pitches – sometimes, they’re quite entertaining! – but I’ll save us both some time if you’ll read this ‘pitch policy’:

Although not legally bound by the FTC’s disclosure guidelines, I will always clearly state whether I’ve been compensated in any way (including freebies) for writing about a product or service.

I strongly value the trust that my readers have invested in this blog and my opinion, so I only blog about product that I can personally endorse. If you’d like to see the kinds of products and services I’ve reviewed in the past, take a look at my Reviews, Promotions and Giveaways category.

I love to give stuff away to my readers, but I still have to believe in your product or service.

I’m located in Ottawa, Canada, so I’m only interested in products or services that are easily accessible to Canadians.

Here are some of the things I’m passionate about (you’re much more likely to catch my attention if your product or service works itself into one of these categories):

– family-related events and activities in Ottawa/Gatineau
– photography
– life with three little boys
– balancing work and home life
– accessible and universal child care
– road trips and traveling with kids
– books
– Canadian culture
– healthy living
– parenting philosophies
– social media
– infertility and reproductive technologies

A link has as much value as a recommendation, so I don’t usually participate in link exchanges unless I feel your site will be of particular interest to my readers. I don’t accept unsolicited guest posts.

Unfortunately, I simply don’t have the time to respond to every e-mail I receive. I do read them all eventually, but sometimes it takes me a few days to catch up!

2 thoughts on “Contact me”

  1. Hi Dani,

    I wanted to comment on your 365 project – your pictures are amazing! The creativity of the baby pictures is outstanding. Love the soda glass and the baby with the drainer (and your reflection in there)!


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