The big reveal

The ultrasound appointment went very well this morning. Beloved was teaching and couldn’t make it, but my lovely Mom accompanied me. She was there for Simon’s big reveal, too. What a great thing to be able to share with Granny!

Baby was sleepy, not moving around too much. The technician knew I was squirrelly to find out the gender so that was her first stop, but Baby’s legs were tightly clenched together. She did a few more measurements, and exclaimed with delight about how healthy all of Baby’s parts are. The organs, the spine, the brain stem, the heart – they all look perfect. The placenta is on the low side and near the cervix, but nothing to yet be concerned about.

And then she scanned back up to Baby’s bits and Baby’s legs were splayed wide open. Turns out just like Tristan and Simon, this Baby is an exhibitionist after all. No doubt about it, for the next five months or so I have a penis.

It’s a boy!!!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

51 thoughts on “The big reveal”

  1. Hurrah! I know he’ll be loved by all – but start saving for the teenage boy groceries.
    And great news that he’s healthy and developing well -let the excitement begin!

  2. One more contestant for my daughter’s heart! Go twig and berries! Yay Team Testosterone!
    Rah Rah healthy baby!

    (Starts the wave for Dani, and passes hat for grocery bills and nose plugs needed for dealing with six stinky teenage boy feets)

  3. The first child I ever loved was a one-year-old boy, the youngest of three. He had a lot to put up with from his older siblings, and now he plays hockey for Guelph Junior A. I remember how gaspy I felt whenever I looked at him, that adorable little boy.

    But I’m going to shed a tear or two, just now, okay? I’ll be back tomorrow to talk about HOORAY FOR BOYS!

  4. I”m so happy for you Dani! Congrats! Can’t wait to meet the newest man in your life! SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU! And yes while as teenagers, they may cost a little extra, now you get to save money by continuing the hand-me down process with all your boy stuff! So happy for you Dani- you’re one lucky mama to have so many boys to love and protect ya! Can’t wait to hear how Simon and Tristan take the news!!!!

  5. Fabulous news that all of the bits were in the places and sizes that they’re supposed to be. We need more boys in this world being raised by good women.

  6. There is a special place in heaven for the mother of three boys. Or was that a special place in a sanatarium??? I can never remember. Your life will be busy but I was always a little concerned about a darling little girl that is taught to make farting noises with her underarms by her two older brothers.

  7. Now you can start calling them “Da Boyz” with a certain laissez-faire attitude.

    Sorry its not a girl. Congratulations on your little boy ๐Ÿ™‚

    My bestest neighborhood friend growing up was the oldest of 3 boys. His mother was a seamstress with a talent for dresses (boy, did my mom benefit from her help on all my Halloween costumes). My friend grew up and got married… and just last year had *His* 3rd boy. His mom has become expert in sewing adorable overalls.

    To paraphrase Anne of Green Gables, “Boys seem to be your lot in life.”


  8. You may not be raising girls, but you’re filling the house with ‘girl bait’! A penis, a heart, a spine and a brain stem: he’s already more wonderful than many boys I’ve known! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m so excited for you and your family (for all the reasons on your list and more)! How much fun are Tristan and Simon going to have planning for a baby brudder?! I agree with Barbara: more boys of the Donders bent are called for. Keep ’em comin’! Oh, this makes you officially a soccer mom: I might have to get you a cashmere sweater to tie around your shoulders ever-so…. Congrats!

  9. A BOY!!!!!! Oh my goodness, the boys will so excited. I am so happy for you and Beloved. But I do have to say that as cute as this one will be, my daughter is still calling dibs on Tristan. ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. Yay, congratulations Dani! Boys rock, I am a softie for boys and am glad baby number is a boy for my Christos especially. Congrats on a great u/s.

  11. Hooray!!
    You make beautiful boys…big, happy Congratulations!

    My Three Sons has a lovely ring to it, dont’cha think? :>

  12. Well better get a 2nd job and a 2nd fridge your gonna need it!

    Congrats to you both. You’ll have to try for a girl Later ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Never mind the second job and second fridge….have Beloved build you your own bathroom! Congratulations. Statstics show that if you have 2 children of the same sex there is a 90% chance of the 3 baby being that same sex. But if you go for #4 you have a 90% chance of having a girl. Something to think about. If your 3rd son is as wonderful as #1 & #2 you will have a great time.

  14. Oh, I am so glad that the baby looks healthy and wonderful!

    As you know, I have three boys born in a row — and they get along just great.

    But yeah, the grocery bills ….

  15. Hooray! Another Boy!! I know you were swaying towards a girl, but think of all the stuff you get to pass along. And the boys will be so helpful with him, it will be wonderful.

  16. Okay, at the risk of gushing, I just had to tell you how much I love all of you, and how much sharing all this with you has augmented the joy in what is already a wonderfully joyous event. Seriously, you guys rock!

    Thank you for your kindness and support, from all of us!!!

  17. Wow – so many comments! Congrats! I’m so jealous! I wanted a house full of boys – but nope, it’s all estrogen over here. Congrats!

  18. Dani!
    Another boy!!! That is fantastic news!

    Now, what are you going to obsess about for the next 5 months????

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