Camping countdown

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the weather website these days. Okay, fair enough, I spend a lot of time over on the weather website to begin with, but I’m spending even more time over there lately. Environment Canada comes out with their updated forecasts around 3:30 each afternoon, so I’ve been clicking over once in the morning and again late in the afternoon to watch the weather trends for our free camping weekend this weekend. Since its been within the 14-day extended forecast, they’ve called for sun, rain, cold temperatures and moderate temperatures. Of course, last year they called for nothing but rain and it turned out to be perfect so why the hell do I bother?

Anyway, speaking of last year, you all gave me the most excellent suggestions on your favourite camping food, which I am continuing to mine this year. But of course, I still need you. We’ve got a three and five year old, plus our two year old nephew, to entertain for two days with no TV and (gasp!) no computer. There is definitely a trip to the dollar store on the agenda for this week, but you can only get so far with disposable crap and colouring books.

What are your favourite camp-type games?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “Camping countdown”

  1. Here’s a thought: don’t bring any toys.
    Okay, maybe not ZERO toys, but don’t overpack the toys. You’d be doing them a disservice and diluting the camping experience. Me, I prefer to leave them toys at home. In the past I’ve brought dollarstore marbles, and bubbles, and some card games (like UNO) for the tent if it’s rainy but that’s pretty much it.
    Why? They’re in the middle of nature and there should be PLENTY around for them to entertain themselves. In my book the must brings inlude: buckets and shovels, and a bugcatcher and magnifying glass. Binoculars and compass if they’re lucky. 🙂

  2. Capture the Flag (use socks in back pockets for tagging)
    Prisoner’s Base (ditto)
    Pit (use pictures instead of words for the pre-literate)
    Scavenger Hunts (team version)

  3. Andrea, you do realize I’m totally bug phobic, right? I’m laughing, because I did have an insect-inspection kit in my hands last night, and was thinking about your ant farm, but just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I did, however, pick up bubbles and a skipping rope and two sizes of balls. That, plus our usual park-going set of sand toys, dump trucks and diggers, ought to give us a good start!
    Liz, are you volunteering for bath time? 😉 What’s “pit”?

  4. The thing I love about kids is their amazing ability to make up their own games. The trick is to NOT plan out their time too much. They will inevitably find something to do.
    When we were camping last year the girls made dolls out of peanut shells. I kid ye not. it wasn’t even my idea. They drew little faces on them and managed to entertain themselves for ages.
    Kids are wonderful.

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