Miscellaneous Monday


There are days when you just want to bang your head against the desk. You know it’s going to be a long day when you get that feeling before you’ve even slurped your first blissful sip of coffee.

I’ve been having that stupid problem with my Blogger interface for about a week, where I could post titles but not content, and I couldn’t save any edits to previous content. I found out mid-week it was only from my work computer, and I was completely perplexed. Each morning, I’d sign in with increasing trepidation, hoping against hope that the problem would have resolved itself as silently as it arrived. And each morning I got a little more cranky when it did not resolve itself. I even posted on the Google Groups blogger help discussion board. No joy. I found creative methods to get my daily post up, by using a colleague’s computer and other trade secrets I won’t share with management potentially lurking nearby. Suffice to say, I was dedicated enough to you, Dear Reader, that I found a way.

This morning, I fired up the browser, signed in and clicked through the Blogger dashboard to the post editing screen, and again saw the same stripped down screen that greeted me all week. Then this morning, the hand of fate intervened. A propos of nothing, I pressed the F5 key to refresh the screen.

Problem solved.

I’m not sure if I’m a friggin’ genius or a frickin’ ijit, but at least I can blog in peace from my cubby again.

In other news, I’m officially down to my August pre-pregnancy weight, which is a bit of a relief. Another 5 lbs and my favourite jeans should fit again, and another 10 or so to my goal weight. I’m hot on the trail of a new daycare provider, and don’t even want to talk about it for fear of jinxing it. Let’s just say when I joked last week about finding “Mary Poppins right around the corner” I wasn’t far off. She’s choosing between us and another family, and I’ll know more later this week. (Please, please, please oh please let this one work out.) And the replacement iPod to replace the three that died before it has been working diligently and without protest for about 10 days.

I got nothin’ to complain about this morning. I missed the Oscars, though. Did you watch them? Anything worth gossiping about?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

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