Last week, I issued a little note to apologize for the big dump (oh look, Karen, I said it again!) of my archived posts into Bloglines subscribers’ feeds.
Today, I see yet another dump, and now every post ends with “DaniGirl” and my e-mail address. I didn’t tell it to do that. Quite frankly, I wish it would not. Nor did I change my blogger settings.
Any ideas on what switch I tripped? I will send a polite e-mail to the Bloglines folks; maybe they can help.
Well heck, if the networks can play re-runs, I guess there’s no reason I can’t do the same!
Potty Mouth. 😀
Potty Mouth. 😀
Bloglines is ending my posts with my email address, too (though just the feedburner feed posts, not the direct-from-Blogger feed). I have no idea why.
Bloglines is ending my posts with my email address, too (though just the feedburner feed posts, not the direct-from-Blogger feed). I have no idea why.
If you have a BL account, go in and change your settings – that should work.
If you have a BL account, go in and change your settings – that should work.
Bloglines has been weird lately.
I don’t think it’s just your blog….
Bloglines has been weird lately.
I don’t think it’s just your blog….
I use sage and haven’t had any trouble, I may be out of this one but my techy husband set me up and says it’s the only way to go.
I use sage and haven’t had any trouble, I may be out of this one but my techy husband set me up and says it’s the only way to go.