On a bicycle built for two

I used to love my bike. It was one of the first things I bought to treat myself when I was freshly divorced and my money was my own again. Ottawa is a great city for bike paths, and when we lived in the Glebe and Old Ottawa South I would love to spend a Saturday afternoon riding around, maybe up to Mooney’s Bay or just up to the store and back.

Then I got pregnant with Tristan, and never could decide whether I thought a trailer or a seat was safer – and then I was pregnant with Simon and the bike sat neglected and cobwebby in the garage for a couple of years. Since Tristan started riding his bike last year, I have been idly looking for a seat or trailer for Simon, and I finally found a second-hand trailer earlier this summer for a stellar $25 – and another $30 to get my bike back into ridable shape again.

There’s an old expression that intimates you never forget how to ride a bicycle. Well, let me tell you, after five years, your ass sure forgets what a bike seat feels like, and spends a lot of time complaining after the first time you ride a bike in five years. I’m just sayin’.

And riding around negotiating traffic downtown is a hell of a lot easier than riding through my suburban neighbourhood at preschooler speed. Have you ever tried to ride your bike for an hour slowly – at say, half of walking speed? It’s like spinning class from hell – speed up, slow down, speed up, dead lurching stop to avoid a preschooler who stopped to pick a dandilion and make a wish. Especially fun with 40 lbs of Simon inertia rolling along behind me!

For you, I will now share pictures of my ass with the Internet. (If that doesn’t class up the quality of google traffic around here, I don’t know what will.)

And, because you were so sweet with your wishes and comments this week, a gratuituous birthday cake picture, because it was on the memory card, too.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

12 thoughts on “On a bicycle built for two”

  1. Hilarious post, Dani. Hey, that’s a great picture of your ass! And the birthday picture’s a keeper as well. Beautiful!

  2. Hilarious post, Dani. Hey, that’s a great picture of your ass! And the birthday picture’s a keeper as well. Beautiful!

  3. Oh, man… do I know the feeling of getting on a bike again after some time away. I hear it feels similar to “cowboy butt” when one first starts riding a horse. I know I kind of walk like a cowboy the first week…

  4. Oh, man… do I know the feeling of getting on a bike again after some time away. I hear it feels similar to “cowboy butt” when one first starts riding a horse. I know I kind of walk like a cowboy the first week…

  5. I hear ya with the bikebum. We don’t have a trailer, but I would love one.
    I took up rollerblading again this summer (up until last weekend). Hubby has been running and I have been blading while pushing 80lbs of kid and stroller. I never thought going slow would kill me as much as it did, stopping to give treats, juice, get a book, fix a blanket… Happy trails Dani, can you fit both boys in the trailer? I would do it, just to go fast and feel the wind in my face 🙂

  6. I hear ya with the bikebum. We don’t have a trailer, but I would love one.
    I took up rollerblading again this summer (up until last weekend). Hubby has been running and I have been blading while pushing 80lbs of kid and stroller. I never thought going slow would kill me as much as it did, stopping to give treats, juice, get a book, fix a blanket… Happy trails Dani, can you fit both boys in the trailer? I would do it, just to go fast and feel the wind in my face 🙂

  7. What a cool trailer, I’ve only seen the chariot style in the past. That one looks like the cadillac version!
    BTW, those are two beautiful birthday presents you are holding…

  8. What a cool trailer, I’ve only seen the chariot style in the past. That one looks like the cadillac version!
    BTW, those are two beautiful birthday presents you are holding…

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