Time to move on to the voting phase of the Name that iPod Summer Contest!
I tried valiantly to enter the code for the poll into this post, but Blogger would have none of it, so you’ll find the poll in the sidebar to the right.
I limited the choices to ten capriciously chosen nominations simply because I couldn’t figure out a way to force the poll code to give me more than ten options. However, I feel badly enough about this that I’m entering everyone who proposed a nomination into a second draw for a consolation candy prize draw, too. That’s how much I love you guys!
I’ll leave the poll up through the weekend, and confirm the winning nomination and the random candy prize winner sometime on Monday morning… the last day of my summer vacation!
What are you waiting for? Vote already!
Can we vote more than once?
Can we vote more than once?
I had to vote for ‘Cherie’ because poor thing had no votes. It took everything I had not to vote 50 times! ;^)
I had to vote for ‘Cherie’ because poor thing had no votes. It took everything I had not to vote 50 times! ;^)
scrolling….scrolling….scrolling down the sidebar and I don’t see it. Please take me by the hand and lead me there :~)
scrolling….scrolling….scrolling down the sidebar and I don’t see it. Please take me by the hand and lead me there :~)
Someone nominated MY name?! Well, I know where my vote is going.
Someone nominated MY name?! Well, I know where my vote is going.
I’m lost with snackmommy :~(
eager to vote
I’m lost with snackmommy :~(
eager to vote
What about
2pods (for your boys)
pollypod (since you are a pollyanna)
starpod (for your astronomy fascination)
Got these from reading the 101 Things post
Good Luck with the naming!
What about
2pods (for your boys)
pollypod (since you are a pollyanna)
starpod (for your astronomy fascination)
Got these from reading the 101 Things post
Good Luck with the naming!
Hmmm.. can’t seem to make it work..
Hmmm.. can’t seem to make it work..
I’ve been looking and looking and can’t find the poll… I’ve tried since this entry first came up. Is it already gone or can someone help me too?
I’ve been looking and looking and can’t find the poll… I’ve tried since this entry first came up. Is it already gone or can someone help me too?
Ignore previous comment… blonde moment (or days, whatever) – I found it!
Ignore previous comment… blonde moment (or days, whatever) – I found it!
Enlighten me Rebecca…where is it?
Enlighten me Rebecca…where is it?
Hey Dani, I tried it in firefox, thinking that I might be able to vote that way, but it doesn’t show up at all in the firefox. In fact, your whole right column looks quite different there. I had no idea things still looked so different in different browsers.
Hey Dani, I tried it in firefox, thinking that I might be able to vote that way, but it doesn’t show up at all in the firefox. In fact, your whole right column looks quite different there. I had no idea things still looked so different in different browsers.
I couldn’t find it using Mozilla so I went into Explorer and it was right there on the top of the sidebar to the right. If you can, try Explorer. If it’ s not working for you there, I have no idea! Hopefully tho, this will help!
I couldn’t find it using Mozilla so I went into Explorer and it was right there on the top of the sidebar to the right. If you can, try Explorer. If it’ s not working for you there, I have no idea! Hopefully tho, this will help!
Hmm, interesting that some of you can’t see it. As of now, almost 10 o’clock, the results are TIED between DaNiPoD and Escape Pod. I’ll leave it up until lunchtime or so, and see if the tie breaks on it’s own.
Hmm, interesting that some of you can’t see it. As of now, almost 10 o’clock, the results are TIED between DaNiPoD and Escape Pod. I’ll leave it up until lunchtime or so, and see if the tie breaks on it’s own.
Yes, I was originally trying it in explorer before I tried the firefox and lost it completely. I can see it from here (ie), but I can’t vote. I give up! I don’t know if this counts, but my vote is for escape pod.
Yes, I was originally trying it in explorer before I tried the firefox and lost it completely. I can see it from here (ie), but I can’t vote. I give up! I don’t know if this counts, but my vote is for escape pod.