The well is dry

Uh oh. I’ve been staring at this empty screen for quite a few minutes now, but nothing is happening. No rants, no complaints, no witty anecdotes (I like to think they’re witty, anyway), no pleas for assistance or information. There’s a whole bunch of stuff rattling around in my head, but none coherent enough to make a full post out of it.

I was going to ask you about ear infections. Seems Simon has one. Again. How do you tell your kid has an ear infection anyway? There’s no external sign like flaming red ears or a big neon sign saying, “Ouch.” He wasn’t tugging on his ears and meaningfully engaging my attention like Lassie when Timmy fell down the well. I thought he just had a cold. Notch another mark on the bad mommy calendar I guess.

And then I thought I’d whinge for a while about Tristan’s temper tantrums of late. Hooo-boy. I thought at three we’d be mostly past that, but for the past week he has been truly insufferable. But that’s about all I’ve got on that topic.

I really should tell you to wander over to see Ann’s new blog, except I am so insanely jealous that I don’t really want to draw any extra attention to it. It’s just exactly the kind of redesign I was talking about for my own blog. Hmpf.

I toyed with the idea of complaining about my new cube. It sucks. I used to be tucked away in a corner against a wall, now I’m in the middle of the zoo off a high-traffic corridor. Between overhearing telephone conversations from five or six different people and the drop-in visitors who have nothing better to do, it’s pretty darn hard to concentrate on my blog. Er, work.

Oh wait, here’s an idea. We can rejoice that finally the annoying old couple got eliminated from the Amazing Race last night. Okay, now what?

Nope, I got nothing. So, what’s new with you?

Edited to add: Here’s another thing that I thought I’d mention but couldn’t work up enough steam to merit a full blog post. My dear friend ÃœberGeek was kind enough to point me toward this blog. For serious geeks and Star Wars junkies only – don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

8 thoughts on “The well is dry”

  1. You want to come have a drink on my boat? I find drinking always helps me to think clearer. LOL

  2. (cloud of dust drifts where Dani was formerly sitting, trailing toward Robin’s boat à la Road Runner)

  3. Dani…
    Sorry the blog fairies are on strike in your domain today.
    AND the old couple didn’t get voted off they just showed up last. I was sorry to see them leave. And what made them annoying? Their Age? Their Voices because they sound old? I actaully thought they were cute and I wanted them to win. I can only hope that I am as gutzy as they are when I reach my 70’s. (Which I don’t think is old)And I hope my Hubby still says I’m his soul mate by that time and not some old cranky B*tch. LOL!
    I hope Joyce and(I’m not even gonna try to spell that name) wins…the other two can drop off the planet as far as I care.
    Kids are sick….little man seems to get getting a cold. My oldest has a sore throat and chest. Plus she has her cast party tonight. (I thought the running was done…sigh)
    Thanks for asking….I hope your muse wakes up and helps you get back into your blog.

  4. Thanks, SCM. I must have been in Survivor mode as I was typing. I fixed it up.
    I have nothing against their age, it’s just that woman and her whining that were driving me nuts! “Oh! We got a bad elephant!” Grrr, makes my skin crawl hearing her reverberating around in my head!!
    Hope your little ones are healthy again soon…

  5. Poor little Simon, maybe he his ears are sore from listening to Tristan’s latest antics??
    As much as that old couple annoyed me too (it was all HER voice) I was very sad when they were eliminated. I too home at that age my DH can also be so in love with me (like SCM said). They did very well for themselves.
    Anyone watch Idol? If Federov doesn’t get the boot tonight, then that show needs to re-evaluate their voting system.
    Oh, and move your polka-dotted ass over on Robin’s boat, I hear she is erving drinks, I am on my way…LMAO @ your roadrunner analogy – I pictured it perfectly!!

  6. Aaah…blogging exhaustion. We are on the same page, once again. If you look at my blog today, you’ll just see tumbleweeds and hear that western whistling song they always play when the abandoned gold rush town is shown.
    I could not help but think of you as I was on back yard doody duty last night. I mean that as a good thing, really.
    Have a drink for me too. I’m so tired and weak lately I got tipsy on one American (!) beer after dinner and fell asleep at nine.

  7. Dani, I’d rather listen you you ramble, than most people’s dedicated posts any day.
    As for the boat…sigh, it was almost my home for 2.5 weeks
    As for the old folks on AR (for the record, you were correct in saying they were eliminated Dani), I was actually sad to see them go. Yes, Gretchen had a grating tone, but they really did grow on me, and I was amazed at their stamina. I would have much rather seen Ron (Rob?) and Kelly go last night.
    AI – gotta see freaky Scott outta there. I feel like taking a shower every time he sings. Ew.

  8. Even when you have nothing to say you have so much to say!! Hopefully the rain will stop long enough to go for a boat ride. As for poor Simon, hope his ear heals up quick, nothing like a bad annoying ear to ruin your day. Poor Tristan with his tantrums, one he’ll stop and you’ll wonder why he is being so quiet. Was happy/sad to see the old couple go, they made it pretty far, but would have been draggin at the end. Same as the others, I hope that my dh still loves me that much when I am 70 and doing the Amazing Race.

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