Is Bloglines drunk, or what?

Last week, I issued a little note to apologize for the big dump (oh look, Karen, I said it again!) of my archived posts into Bloglines subscribers’ feeds.

Today, I see yet another dump, and now every post ends with “DaniGirl” and my e-mail address. I didn’t tell it to do that. Quite frankly, I wish it would not. Nor did I change my blogger settings.

Any ideas on what switch I tripped? I will send a polite e-mail to the Bloglines folks; maybe they can help.

Well heck, if the networks can play re-runs, I guess there’s no reason I can’t do the same!

Because this blog is my happy place

Did you know that it’s World Kindness Week?

Sometimes, things come together with a sense of cosmic good timing that gives me shivers. Or at least good blog fodder.

First, I wanted to tell you that Andrea and Kim, the hard-working and oh-so-clever editors behind the online ‘zine The Whole Mom, have a new issue up. In addition to the usual great writing and funny comics, you will also find complete and annotated versions of our entire Motherlode presentation – the whole panel, all five of us!

Over on her newly rechristened blog, Andrea has also made public a conversation we started having when the five of us were collaborating on our presentations. She sums it up nicely:

“…as we were talking, we thought about the idea of a Mom Blogger’s Manifesto: A document that would encapsulate what blogging could be for mothers, where the pitfalls are lurking, and how they can be avoided. This document would be posted online so that people could link to it (maybe with a pretty button), both to spread awareness and to publically declare to readers a code of ethics.”

We called it the Momifesto, and if you’re interested in hearing more, and especially if you’re interested in talking about it, do join the conversation in the forum section of The Whole Mom.

Just as I was getting ready to tell you about all that, Bub and Pie had a link today to a wonderful idea from Chookooloonks.

She has created this lovely little button, and if you follow the link back to her blog, you’ll find the following declaration:

By posting this badge, I’m declaring that in addition to humour, intelligence, wit, sadness, snarkiness, passion, exuberance, peace, stillness, excitability, anger or any other emotion you may witness on my site:

1) I will never intentionally hurt other people, whether I know them or not, whether they blog or not, whether they’re celebrities or not, either through my words or my images. It’s just not my style; and,

2) I hope that by the time you’ve clicked away from my site, I’ve helped in some way to make your day just a little bit better.


So simple, and yet just what I wanted to say. Because the world needs more kindness. I promise that I will always try to be kind, and I will only ask the same of you.

P.S. Voting for your favourite blogger(s) is another way to be kind! *wink*

Bloglines feed dump

A special note to my Bloglines readers: if your Bloglines account is like mine, you got a dump of my last 25 posts in your feed reader this morning.

I have no idea why.

I didn’t change the settings, I haven’t been editing old posts… I’m perplexed. Anyway, just an apology, and you can ignore the big dump of posts, because there’s nothing new in any of them.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled Friday…