I downloaded some new textures this week and I’ve been having fun with them. Some textures are very subtle, but these ones are a little more obvious. What do you think of the texture use? Do you like the enhancement or do you think it takes away from the image? I try not to fall into the trap of using textures to apologize for an otherwise poorly taken shot, but do admit to using them to add oomph to a shot I find less than compelling.
I love Watson’s Mill in any light, but I may have nearly done it to death, so I thought the texture would add a little variety. There was already a lot of green and gold in this shot as the fall colours start to come up, so I desaturated it a bit more to even them up with the tones in the texture.
I used a texture from the same pack on these black-eyed susans. I’m still a little on the fence about how this came out. I tinkered with it for quite a while and then reverted to an earlier version. Oh the time I spend in Photoshop!
I used a bit of linen texture on this one to mask a tiny bit of motion blur. (In other words, what I just said I try not to do!)
Speaking of motion – I like this shot of Lucas in motion on the swing because it’s a bit of a different angle, but I absolutely adore the ee cummings quote I found to go along with it: “I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.”
Speaking of motion redux, we’ve been doing a lot of this lately. Zoom!
No sky and no motion, just an idea for a still life I’d been noodling since it’s back-to-school season.
And last but not least, yet another collage of fair pictures. Oh how we love our fairs! This one features an afternoon of fun with Granny at the Richmond Fair last Sunday. The theme of the day was definitely squirt gun races – that’s Granny taking aim in the upper right, but it was Simon in the bottom frame who stole the day by winning against a full table not once but twice, earning his choice of any prize. We’re now calling him Old MacSimon Had a Farm!
I loved Justin’s comment on Flickr – “That’s the smile of a man proud of his accomplishments.” Indeed!