“But I don’t want a curly-haired teacher!”

We’re at the dinner table (how many of my posts start out like this? I adore our family dinners!) and discussing the kindergarten teachers at the school. Lucas begins junior kindergarten this year – I’m not ready! Between being on the school council and picking the boys up at the school, I know most of the teachers by name and face, but can’t always put the two together.

We’re speculating on which teacher Lucas might have. “Is Ms Whosits the one with the bright blue eyes and the curly hair?” I ask. Tristan and Simon correct me. “No, that’s Ms So-and-so. Ms Whosits has blonde hair.” I’m just matching the names with the faces in my head when I notice that Lucas has tears in his eyes.

“What’s the matter, Lucas?” I ask, completely taken aback by his dismay, and wondering if maybe he’s bitten the inside of his cheek or something.

“I don’t want a curly-haired teacher,” he whispers, fat tears rolling down his cheek. I try to reassure him that his teacher will be wonderful, curly-haired or bald, and he adds in a barely-audible whisper, “I’m shy.”

Oh sweet Lucas, you are indeed shy. Simon is gregarious and open, and Tristan often prefers his own daydreams to the company of others, but Lucas is the one is genuinely and painfully shy. He still prefers not to be left at the play zone in Ikea or the grocery store, and stays close to his beloved caregiver at playgroups, sometimes even sitting in her lap. I had a hard time disengaging myself from him at a recent birthday party in the park, where he told me in the same whisper that he didn’t like dinosaurs or cake, either.

I eventually reassure him, with the help of the big boys, by describing the many wonders of kindergarten. “They have lots of books,” I tell him, and his eyes widen. “And puzzles, and block, too!” I cast about for what I know he loves best. “And you know what else they have?” Lucas’s eyes are now saucers, desperate to be convinced. “They have a craft station!” He’s sold, at least temporarily, on the idea of at least checking it out. Curly-haired teacher or not…

We have one week left in this amazing summer, and I’d booked it off as vacation in the long-ago spring, knowing we had no day care lined up for this week. I’m looking forward to celebrating each day with the boys before they go back to school, all three of them this time.

Where did the time go?

Brothers, June 2008

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

3 thoughts on ““But I don’t want a curly-haired teacher!””

  1. oh I know! Where did the time go! Does his school have an integration week? The one-on-one interview then the integration days? That will probably help to put him at ease too.

  2. I hear you. My oldest is LEAVING me this school year and I’m here on the computer looking at her baby pictures. I am going to be such a mess in a week. ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy every minute, even when they’re not enjoyable! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. He sounds like a cutie! My son (Lucas) is starting JK this year for the first time as well and I have no idea how he is going to do. A lot of the things you are describing are the same as mine, especially the birthday party shyness. On the other hand, part of me thinks as soon as he sees the park, he’ll go running and not look back. That’s the part that scares me most ๐Ÿ™‚
    Good Luck!

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