I really really REALLY wish I were putting these on my car

When I knew I would have to buy new tires, I thought it would be fun to keep the bald ones and paint them bright colours and then use them in my porch portraits. Fun idea, eh? Not entirely sure if it’s a GOOD idea, but definitely a FUN idea.

I really really really wish I were putting these on my car

So I learned a LOT about spray paint today. Like, it does not really listen when you tell it where you want it to go. (How those taggers get it to behave is beyond me. Clearly not my calling.)(Although I did show enough plumber crack when bending over painting these that I could have been a gangsta.)(Sorry neighbours.) And it is much messier than I expected. And OMFG, my hand is still cramped up into a claw from trying to hold the nozzle down.


I had to explain to the Canadian Tire guys twice that I wanted to keep the bald tires when I bought the new ones last month. And they looked at me really funny when I said I was going to spray paint them. But that was nothing compared to the look I got from Beloved when I explained to him why there were now two sets of tires in the garage. He was a lot more understanding when he figured out that I didn’t plan to put them back on the car after I painted them. Actually, I think he was mostly relieved.


But wouldn’t that be awesome? I really want to, now.


And if you’re wondering? One can of spray paint entirely covers one tire. Except for the yellow. It’s a little wimpy.


If my hand weren’t completely incapacitated by the nozzle cramp, I’d seriously be heading back to the hardware store so I could paint the car tires like this…

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “I really really REALLY wish I were putting these on my car”

  1. You just want to see the look on Beloved’s face when he comes home from work to find all four tires on the Mazda painted in neon colours!!!

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