I‘m still on the fence as to whether I will be doing an official 365 (erm, 366) project in 2012, but I still seem to be taking a picture each day, and I do enjoy writing these posts, so let’s keep on keeping on for now. I posted a boatload of pictures over the last week, partly because I have had time to go through my archives and find some new favourites and partly because I have not really put down my camera at all this week. And really, how could I resist this ridiculously photogenic time of year?
This is what our Christmas looked like:
One of my favourite gifts this Christmas was a creative aperture kit for my Lensbaby. I’ve done shaped bokeh before, but this makes it very easy by providing a bunch of different cutouts you just pop into the Lensbaby, so any out-of-focus areas (known as bokeh) take on the shape of the aperture. Here’s the effect the heart-shaped one had on the tree lights:
And here’s the star-shaped one with the neighbour’s Christmas lights. (There is a part of me that worries about being known as “That weird woman with the camera” in my neighbourhood.)
It can be more subtle when the lights are not as bright or contrasty. You can see the faint stars in the right fence post on this one, too:
Here’s what it looks like on the camera:
Not for every day, but a lot of fun when used sparingly. 🙂 And speaking of bokeh, here it is without the shaped aperture. The glass ball is part of a decoration my mom bought for me ages ago — in fact, it was in my first 365 picture back in 2009. I keep meaning to play with it more:
On a side note, if you’re killing time and looking for something cool to watch, check out this amazing time-lapse video that combines shaped bokeh, a glass globe just like this one and Los Angeles. I found it after I’d taken all these pictures and laughed at how they all came together in this video — I’ve watched it a couple of times and really love it!
Snow Globe Los Angeles from All Cut Up Films on Vimeo.
I’ve been noticing these lights on a fence in Manotick since the beginning of the season, and that gorgeous snowfall on Christmas day made for the perfect conditions to finally capture them. I love this picture!
And no week in pictures would be complete without at least one portrait, right? Here’s Lucas, hard at work. He’s spent most of the week at the table doing exactly this: cutting, colouring, gluing and drawing.
I’m not quite sure yet if this is another 365 project or not, but one thing is clear — I’ve no plans to stop taking pictures any time soon! 🙂 This post is getting a little long, but I thought I’d cram in this last one while it’s still fresh:
Happy 2012 from us to you!
I know I rarely post, but this is as good a time as any to say all your photos this year were so gorgeous, and fun to look at. Whatever you decide about the photo-a-day thing, it’s great fun to see what comes out of your camera and software and brain.
I love your pics, especially the bokeh ones – I love the stars on the snow-covered fence. Looking at snow is a novelty to me as it is 40c at the moment (at 11.30 am!). I was lucky enough to receive a new camera for Christmas and am in the experimentation phase … Can I ask you for advice now and then?
Thanks Jody! 🙂
Deb, 40C? Yes please! 🙂 Sure, I’ll do my best to answer your questions.