Vine- or window-ripened?

I’m very excited to see our tomato plants are fat with fruit. (The cukes and sunflowers never did see the light of day, and the jalapenos were lost in an unfortunate incident involving a yellow ball and an excited toddler.)

We’ve been noshing on the cherry tomatoes for a week now, but I’m not sure what to do with the beefsteak tomatoes. A question for the more experienced gardener peeps out there: should I let them ripen on the vine, or pick them green and let them ripen on the window sill?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

5 thoughts on “Vine- or window-ripened?”

  1. Vine if you can swing it. You’ll only want to pick them green at the end of the season, when there’s a danger of frost, since that could ruin them. But if they’re ripening now, leave them until they’re perfect and eat them right away.

  2. On the vine for sure, for the best taste. At the end of the season, pick them green before a frost and then ripen them indoors or use them to make green-tomatoe mincemeat or green tomatoe pie (why yes, I did live in a prairie province as a child, how can you tell?)

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