
Six. That’s the number of consecutive – consecutive, mind you – diaper leaks we had between midnight last night and noon today. Six diaper leaks, which in turn soaked four sleepers, two outfits, five blankets, two crib sheets and two waterproof pads. And my shirt. In twelve hours. Which comprises, in case you are wondering, pretty much an entire load of laundry. I wish I could blame the Pampers, but we went to Costco yesterday and picked up a carton of Kirkland brand to see if they’d be any better, and two of the six leaks were the Costco ones.

Oh, how blissful our brief respite from diapers has been. How much longer ’til I can potty train this one?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

26 thoughts on “Six”

  1. Well, I guess it’s kind of good that you can actually put a full load into the washer… ๐Ÿ˜€ Maybe you need to move up a size? Jade’s always into the next size WAY before the “recommended weight” because of her length. It’s not like you don’t know how to deal with boy bits and pointing them the right way in the diapers!

    Good luck!

  2. I assume he is already out of the newborn size and on to size 1 or 1-2? We, confirmed Pampers users for Miss M, found that AM leaked in them and made a (successful) switch to Huggies–although now (many months later) we use Kirkland. Any chance someone can loan you a few Huggies?

  3. Yeah, I bet he needs to go up a size.

    Um, my captcha says “marry James”… but I’m already married! And why can’t it say marry Desmond? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I did a diaper test on several brands……errr not by choice…more like necessity….but we have found Kirkland to be the best so far….Huggies leaked bad for us (at the seams), Pampers gave rashes, Teddies Choice (not the Supremes) did not wick away the pee as well (LOL!) it made the skin stay clammy, and Parents Choice compared to Kirkland closely(but I prefer the bigger-Costco-sized-box)
    … thing I figured out though (the hard way) is that diapers are VERY much like socks!!!….you think they are fitting your kids fine until you move up a size and find out that bigger IS better!!!!

    One can only hope you have a good washer and dryer!!!! Hang in there! The lil’ dudes poops shooooooooooooooould hopefully firm up a bit soon…*fingers crossed*

    OK! Captcha sez: Service capacity <– that thing is creepy!

  5. The Boy used to do that with Pampers. For whatever reason, we didn’t have the same issue with Huggies. Might be worth a shot.

    Blowouts get real old, real fast.

  6. Looking waaaay back to my diapering days (I know, stop rubbing it in) we always used the Huggies. They were better than the Pampers for my girls. But that was long, long, long ago. (sorry)


    And it’s newspaper day on Captcha: Times Pravda

  7. I second the cloth diaper recommedation. Or perhaps you want to consider infant pottying… seriously easier than you would think.

  8. infant pottying?!?!?! Do tell!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    (I can’t even wrap my head around a nice mental image of that……I can barley even picture my almost-two-year-old boy on the potty!!! Yikes!!!)

  9. next size up. and up. however many sizes it takes.

    My almost 3 year old wears diapers for sleeping, size 5 (Pampers). When I ran out of the size 2s for the infant, she wore his. no blowouts….

    but that was sheer desperation.

  10. We are using cloth for number 2. I really like “The Diaper Service”, since I don’t have to wash anything! When we used disposables with our first, it seemed that BMs always blew out the top and up her back – gross!! Cloth seems to result in far fewer leaks. Just a thought! It’s not any more work to use cloth with a diaper service, and price is pretty comparable. hang in there! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Oh Dani. *hugs*

    We found Huggies were are best option for minimizing blowouts. When things got bad we also used the rubberized covers (made for cloth diapers), over top of a disposable.

    Hang in there!

  12. Erk. The above should have read “Huggies were our best option”

    And curiously, I posted without correctly entering both captchas ….

  13. LOL, too funny. Doesn’t Pampers make the Kirkland brand though, I thought I heard that somewhere. I always find if I have too many leaks in a row it means it is time to move on up to the next size. That usually solves the problem here. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

  14. I agree that cloth is the way to go. We’ve never had a total blowout, even though the darling poops onlu every 4 or 5 days, and only a few pee leaks, usually when I haven’t fastened the diaper properly. Plus, it’s way cheaper, even with a more expensive cloth diaper.

  15. although I’m a cloth user, we use disposables for travelling and at night and went through a stage where nothing worked. I tried 3 different brands, a few different sizes, pointing down, fastening tighter, finally finding one that kept the sleeping bag dry 3/4 nights. SO frustrating. But after a few months, I found that it didn’t matter anymore. I could use anything again and even went back down a size (or two sizes when I borrowed from a friend). I think it’s one of those stages that kids go through – annoying, but passing. Cheers,

  16. Damn. I’m having my mom go out and get Kirkland diapers because a friend recommended them and we need to save money. Pampers are expensive. Any way that the baby needs a larger size?? That what leaks usually mean in our household. Although we’ve been using the expensive Pampers so far. Ack

  17. Our kids were Pampers kids; I guess they just fit their butts better. We’ve been out of diapers now for almost 3 months. Thank goodness!

    Maybe going up a size would help.

  18. is a great place to start, if anyone is interested in infant pottying.

    We did it with all of our kids, started with the last two basically at birth. It’s a pretty common thing in other countries, it’s not about traning your baby to hold their bladder, but they learn pretty quickly to pee/poo on the potty (you likely change a diaper after a nap/nursing, which is when they’re prone to pee anyhow). Seriously easy, if a puppy can be trained at 6 wks, there’s no reason a human can’t do it, lol (after all, we do rule the world).

    If you’re interested, there is a local Yahoo group that you can find through the Diaper Free Baby site — all of our kids were out of diapers through the day at 16 months, and we started leaving them out of diapers for a good chunk of the day around 7-months of age. It may seem like a weird idea when you first hear of it, but it makes likfe a heck of a lot easier in the long-run! It’s at least worth a shot….

    susie ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Maybe the next size up might hold back the floods? Also, are you making sure his penis is pointing down into the diaper not out to the side? The pee goes in the same direction and a side-pee is often too much for a diaper to handle.

  20. You doin’ ok Dani????I’ve got you pictured as swamped by your trio – no rest for the weary!!!

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