Phew! For nine months, I’ve been worried that the Player to be Named Later would arrive just in time to disrupt Simon’s birthday party. That’s not to say he might not still arrive on his due date to share Simon’s actual birthday, but at least we made it through the party uninterrupted!
We kept things small, easy and, quite frankly, easy to cancel or reschedule! We invited only family or friends so close they may as well be family. We met at a local indoor playground and let the kids play out some energy before inviting them back to our place for cake and prezzies.

Simon charmed the grown-ups by taking quite seriously my admonition to take care of his friend Amelia, and held her hand the first 10 minutes we were there.
It’s great to finally have the kids at an age where the grown-ups can relax and chat while the kidlets play.
Star Wars Lego was a big hit! Just as I was snapping this photo, Simon was exclaiming his delight and gratitude to Granny and Papa Lou for “just what I wanted!!!”
It was a great birthday, full of fun for the kids and low-key and laid back for the adults. I couldn’t have asked for anything more, and Simon was delighted.
Perfect, perfect, perfect! I’m glad that all had a great time!
So glad it all went well. And look at you! You look amazing. If I didn’t know you were pregnant (full term no less) I would never have guessed!
I’m with Chantal; you don’t even look pregnant! Wow! And sounds like a good party. Happy Birthday to Simon!
Happy Birthday Simon!
Simple is good! Sounds like a great party!
And you know what my “code words” are to type in?
Hospitals and finished! Just for you, Dani!
Oh, Rev Dr Mom – that’s perfect!!! I *so* hope the captcha is an accurate oracle!!
I love how you noted that the kids are finally old enough to play on their own while the adults relax and chat. Is there any irony in that observation? 😉
How Awesome and cute thet he looks after the girls, what a cutey. I’m glad Simon had a great birthday. Lego had become a great Favorite here too. But the one that builds cars. he plays for that for hours on end. SO wonderful for the boys. NOT so great for me tryign to pick up the tiny pieces they miss thought.
Happy Birthday Simon!