A Friday comment game

I went nearly 48 hours without Internet access while I was in Kingston, and ironically, one of the main things we discussed at the conference was new communication technology and social media. It was really interesting, and I can’t wait to get to work on some of that stuff with my day job.

But today, I’m drawing a blank. I’m playing “stay at home mom” today, because our caregiver is out of town, and I’ve got one of those headaches. I have no idea what to write about.

Hey, it’s been a while since we’ve played a comment game. You seem to like them. Wanna play?

I think it’s been almost a year since we played this one. First person names a famous actor/actress (i.e. Nicole Kidman). The next person names a movie that person played in (i.e. Moulin Rouge). Next person names a person who was in that movie (i.e. Ewan McGregor). Next person names a movie that person was in (i.e. Trainspotting). Hint: IMDB is your friend!

Ready? Let’s start with… Matthew Broderick.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

56 thoughts on “A Friday comment game”

  1. Wow…the Godfather…nobody famous or popular in that one….hmmmm….
    I want to say Abe Vigoda for fun, but let’s stick with a gimme….
    Al Pacino

  2. Holy crap, are you guys *still* playing? I think this is definitely the longest a comment game has ever carried on.
    Well, far be it from me to stop the game…
    Phillip Seymour Hoffman

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