You know I’m intrigued by the differences between Canadian and Americans; you know I’m mesmerized by search results. Many of you know I even have a vested interest in taxation.
How then could I leave unblogged this article in the Globe and Mail that intersects so many of my bloggy fascinations. It compares the top search terms from 2006 on Yahoo! and Yahoo! Canada.
Here’s a list of the 10 most popular search terms on Yahoo! Canada in 2006:
FIFA World Cup
American Idol
Rock Star Supernova
Revenue Canada
Days of Our Lives
Environment Canada
Jessica Simpson
And here, by contrast, is a list of the U.S.’s top 10 Yahoo! searches in 2006:
Britney Spears
Jessica Simpson
Paris Hilton
American Idol
Beyoncé Knowles
Chris Brown
Pamela Anderson
Lindsay Lohan
I’m not sure whether to feel smug or ashamed. I mean, it’s not pretty that seven of the top ten American searches are for the female celebrity flavour of the month, but it is also rather embarrassing (if not telling) that the top ten Canadian preoccupations in 2006 include hockey, weather, taxation, soap operas and – neopets??