But where does God buy his car?

Tristan starts Catholic school in September, but I still haven’t found just the right place to start introducing the concepts of God and Jesus and the Church. We had a few goes of it at Christmas, but I don’t think much sunk in. Luckily, a perfect opportunity presented itself in the car recently.

Tristan: “What’s that little store over there?”
Me: “Um, that’s not a store, sweetie, that’s a church.”
And please give me credit here for restraining myself on the topic of what they might be selling.


Tristan: “A church?”
Me (
carefully): “A church is where people go to talk to God.”

I’ll bet you can see this one coming, can’t you?

Tristan: “God?”
Me (feigning casualness): “Um hmmm. God. (pause) Some people believe God created everything – the grass, the trees, the stars and the moon. (with growing confidence) Some people believe that God is the father of all of the people in the world.”

(cringe a little bit, consider some revisions, wait to see how this dust settles first)

(thoughtful pause)

Tristan: “Mommy?”
Me: “Yes, sweetie?”

Tristan: “Where did our car come from?”
Me: “A car store.”
Tristan: “Oh. Okay.”

I’m both pleased and unsurprised that our first philosophical discussion on religion has turned out to be rather circular in nature.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

12 thoughts on “But where does God buy his car?”

  1. We wouldn’t wanna have bought our car from one of those ‘church ladies’ (a.k.a. Dana Carvey), now would we?
    Very cute.

  2. We wouldn’t wanna have bought our car from one of those ‘church ladies’ (a.k.a. Dana Carvey), now would we?
    Very cute.

  3. Well, if you were following your original line of thought there, you could have gone on to say that God created the car too. I mean, he created the minerals to make the metal and what the hey…the molecules to make the minerals and wow – what about the people who made it? Tell him how the people were made, you know, descended from a guy and his this chick made from his rib and then they…oh. yeah…
    I can see where this is going to get hard.
    Time to start working the phrases “willing suspension of disbelief” and “faith” into conversations.

  4. Well, if you were following your original line of thought there, you could have gone on to say that God created the car too. I mean, he created the minerals to make the metal and what the hey…the molecules to make the minerals and wow – what about the people who made it? Tell him how the people were made, you know, descended from a guy and his this chick made from his rib and then they…oh. yeah…
    I can see where this is going to get hard.
    Time to start working the phrases “willing suspension of disbelief” and “faith” into conversations.

  5. Religion is a tricky thing for kids. I think that most kids think that God and Santa are the same entity. A lot of adults do to…

  6. Religion is a tricky thing for kids. I think that most kids think that God and Santa are the same entity. A lot of adults do to…

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