Holy crap, it worked!

We are on hour five of big boy undies. I’m so proud! Surprised, not quite sure how we got here, but proud nonetheless. (Yes, it’s rare for me to blog on a Sunday, but this parenting thing turned out to be a 24/7 kind of job.) Once again, pardon the euphemisms, but the google traffic on bodily functions creeps me out.

When he woke up this morning, Tristan remembered yesterday’s conversation about metal Thomas and Annie and Claribel. He had p’d overnight in his diaper, but told me he needed to P in the potty about an hour after he got up. Thinking, “in for a penny, in for a pound” I told him after he went that I had a surprise for him, and hauled out the Bob the Builder undies I had bought in a fit of unwarranted optimism maybe six or eight months ago. Despite the healthy coating of dust, Tristan was suitably impressed, and has been running about the house ever since in his Scoop skivvies.

I went for a run to WalMart and picked up some star stickers and some back-up undies. I like ÃœberGeek’s suggestion a few weeks ago of buying the cheapest undies you can find (can anyone explain to me why I can buy 3 pairs for $5.41 or 6 pairs for $6.58?) and just tossing them rather than dealing with cleaning a poopy accident. While I was gone, Tristan had asked to poop in the potty, and has since p’d again as well.

We instituted a star sticker system, where he gets two stickers for a P and three for a poop. When he runs out of stickers, we’ll take the page in and trade it for a metal Thomas and Annie and Claribel.

So far so good. But alas, I’ve become jaded in my old age. Things are never this easy. Aren’t you thrilled to be living this vicariously with us?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

6 thoughts on “Holy crap, it worked!”

  1. Hooray!! Glad to hear that it is working so far!! Will be following closely for the end results as we will follow in your footsteps on this one for sure.

  2. Rock on, Danigirl!
    We’ve used phone calls to Santa as reinforcement, but the sticker system ain’t bad, either! Hope you don’t mind if we steal the idea…

  3. I am ecstatic for you all – hooray!!! But then I am also rather jealous that my Ben can’t follow suit – he crapped his pants again today, but did all pees in toilet. Hoping we can see the light before he starts dating.
    CONGRATS to growing up Tristan!!!!

  4. Awww the trails of Potty training! It wasn’tlong ago I was sooo frustrated that I thought I would still tryin’ to convice my boy to pee in the potty when he was a teenager. he’s back to being to busy to pee in the toilet but this started while we had company for 3 weeks and he was in for that nasty bee sting.
    I hope Tristan is trained with no effort what so ever! (Nathan always thought stickers were dumb even if a trip to the toy store was involed at the end)
    Good LUCK! I wish Nathan would wear underwear he only wears it when he’s going out. Prefers the free feeling!

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