Bloggy flotsam and jetsam

Seems I’ve left a lot of loose ends lately. Far be it from me to keep you in suspense any longer. Here’s a progress report for you, board members of Danigirl’s Life Inc.

Back at the end of May, you were treated to my spectacular break-up with Weight Watchers. I’m pleased to nyah-nyah in the general direction of the “points” plan and tell you that I’ve lost not only the weight I gained while on WW but a pound or two more. Hooray! I’ve been to the gym at least three times a week since joining three weeks ago, and am loving it. No really, I am. Even better, a pair of shorts that did not fit me at all at the beginning of June now fit quite comfortably. Did I mention I love the gym? Pass the potato chips, please.

(And did you know that if you google “Tim Hortons Weight Watchers points”, I am the number one return? I get at least one hit a day from this. People, it’s a doughnut shop. Forget about the points and just enjoy your cruller, for goodness sake.)

A few of you have since asked me what ever came of my job choice dilemma a couple of weeks ago. I had the choice between a temporary increase in pay/status and staying with a familiar team and portfolio or accepting a new and permanent position with a new team and new workload. I chose (no real surprise) to stay with my current team, and have been assured they’ll do whatever they can to make my promotion permanent. And most importantly, I didn’t have to retake my second language tests!!

You seemed to enjoy my blog recommendations from earlier in the week, so can I direct your attention, if you haven’t already been there, to Getupgrrl’s poignant post yesterday on Chez Miscarriage. Her surrogate is getting pretty close to her due date, and Grrl is handling the stress with her usual neurotic wit. I wish she still had archives, because she is truly one of the funniest writers in blogdom.

And finally, a little geek fun. You’ll see over in the sidebar an icon that says, “I made science.” It’s part of a survey MIT is doing on weblogs. If you own a blog, please take 15 minutes or so to complete their survey. It’s quite interesting to see where your responses fit in with the returns to date (for example, at not quite 36 years old, I am considerably older than the majority of bloggers. But I have been at it for only 6 months, considerably less than most bloggers. And although I read fewer blogs than most respondants, my hits are pretty high.) Not that any of that means anything, but I’ve always loved playing with numbers. It’s all just lies, damn lies and statistics, according to Mark Twain.


Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

12 thoughts on “Bloggy flotsam and jetsam”

  1. Um, I am also not quite 36 years old and a Leo, and was adopted. Are your SURE that we were not separated at birth because no one could handle two of us? If we were, you have my blog stats and I would also be happy to donate a few of my pounds for you to lose.
    Your prize is also not in the mail yet. I’m waiting for a shipment of something to arrive at the store, because there is something for you in it.

  2. I think Flotsam and Jetsam were two chipmunks who were very polite to each other and spoke with British accents, saying things like “indubitably”, (which was how I spelled it and pronounced it when I was ten. I still don’t know what it means). They lived in a tree that got turned into a dresser. They were so cute when they’d bow to each other and say “after you” a lot before they’d escape down a hole.

  3. Hahaha. I’m drinking bourbon and I was being funny there! Ha ! Funny! Really, Flotsam and Jetsam are that cat and mouse that Bart watches on the Simpsons.

  4. Ah Marla – too funny. I don’t watch Simpsons much – thanx for the most clear and accurate calrification. But i liked your first answer better – tree into a dresser – LMAO!!

  5. Scary, Marla. That’s all I have to say, just that it’s all very, very scary. (Not the bourbon and the chipmunks part… that was funny. And scary.)
    Now stop pulling Nancy’s leg about flotsam and jetsam. We all know it’s really the code words for the male and female anatomy.
    And, um, is there any other way to pronounce/spell “indubitably”?
    xo Danigirl

  6. I’ve always thought there should be an “o” in there to make it “indoubitably”. But then again, despite what I think and MY princess complex, I really don’t run the world. Oh, there would be changes if I did. Yessir.
    And stop teasing Nancy. Flotsam and Jetsam are what you add to the dishwasher to stop having spots on your glasses. Trust me on this one Nancy.

  7. Okay, enough already. Poor Flotsam and Jetsam will never head out on that 1980s retro reunion tour if we keep this up.

  8. WTF??? So I innocently google flotasm and end up with the following:
    flotsam or jetsam
    Technically, flotsam is cargo or wreckage floating on the surface of the sea, while jetsam is cargo that has been thrown overboard (jettisoned) or washed up on the beach. However, the two words are linked to refer to homeless people: The government seemed to do little to help the flotsam and jetsam of society.
    So WHO and WHAT the f*@~ do I believe??

  9. OMG, there really is a band called Flotsam and Jetsam? Who knew?!?
    Nancy, you should know by now that you can trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong? (flutter, flutter)

  10. That band is going to be so pissed when they find out they’re named after some chipmunks and dishwasher booster.

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