A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

As I mentioned last week, Friday night was date night. Beloved and I went to see the final instalment of the Star Wars saga. I don’t think I’ve said anything in this post that blows any major secrets, but be warned anyway – I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.

I can sum up my feelings pretty succinctly, for a change. It was excellent!

I don’t know whether I’ve finally given up expecting these latest episodes to measure up to the original Star Wars, or whether George Lucas has crafted a much better piece of cinema this time around, but I really enjoyed Revenge of the Sith. It has the charm, the wonder and the humanity that seemed to be lacking in Episodes I and II, and is an ultimately satisfying conclusion to a series that I hold quite dear to my heart.

I have to give Lucas props. Not only is he working under the scrutiny of a generation for tampering with its mythology, but he also manages to keep an audience spellbound even when they all know full well how the story comes out in the end.

Anakin’s descent to the dark side is believable and even compelling, but I don’t know what happened to Natalie Portman’s Padme. She went from being strong and smart in the first couple of movies to helpless and pining, and spends way too much of the movie looking pensively out the window.

I mentioned the other day that when I was a young girl I had a big thing for Luke Skywalker. As I got a little older, my affections roamed to Han Solo. Sorry boys, but there’s a new crush in town. Who would have guessed that Obi Wan Kenobi would curl my toes some day?

Ewan McGregor stole my heart in Moulin Rouge, but he sealed the deal as Obi Wan Kenobi. Hubba hubba. Somehow it seems appropriate that after all these years of loving Star Wars, I am left with a schoolgirl crush as the series ends.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

11 thoughts on “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”

  1. When my girlfriend Jill was in nursing school she lived with a girl that dated Ewan. This was a long time ago. Before he was even close to being famous. But, he was still very cute. Well, one day she got to see him walk out the bathroom in a towel. 😉 Do you want me to ask her for details?? LOL
    ps. So how was the date bedides the movie? Did you makeout in the theater??

  2. Yadda yadda yadda the movie was good, blah blah blah, but like Robin, I was DATE details!! Didja get lucky? How did the boys do with Granny? Didja get lucky?
    And…OMG Robin! The thought of someone REAL that you KNOW got to see Ewan in a towel is enough to make me a little S in the P!!!

  3. Woo Hoo! You are now indexed as the number one hit when one googles danigirl. Now, you may think that is a limited google term but you were number 8 – 9 (behind a dog) for the longest time. Now, the first 3 hits that return are YOU!!!! Congrats.

  4. I like Obi Wan( yes he’s one hot jedi) but I think I like dangerous men…being married to a nerd sorta does that to a person. (LMAO!) Hayden is too cute. I agree Natialie was a not the strong stubborn girl we knew in the other two which saved them for me.
    Don’t you love those school girl crushes?

  5. Back the truck up —
    Robin, is this the same Jill I met at your house? The one with the lovely Scots accents? This means that I met someone who has seen Ewan McGregor in a towel IN PERSON?
    Oh. My. God.
    Excuse me, I have to go take a shower.
    xo Danigirl, will acknowledge the rest of you some other time after I finish savouring the image Robin just burned into my brain

  6. oh my, i definately agree with the whole school girl crush on OBI Wan when he comes in lovely ewan form!!! glad to hear the movie is good – the boy and i are scheduled to see it soon.

  7. Yes, it was that Jill. 😉 Do you want her to give you a call? I will be seeing her tonight (book club). I’m sure she would not mind re-telling that story.

  8. Great to hear you liked the movie :). But I want to hear about the date too, was there more, did you go for dinner, coffee, dessert??? And that is a cool story Robin, of your friend Jill. I think you should have us all back over to meet her again and hear that story 🙂

  9. You girls need to get out more if you’re looking to live life vicariously through my date night!
    Sadly, there is really nothing to report. The movie was too good to tear my eyes away from Obi Wan long enough to make out, and since we had to cram an entire movie plus travel time between the boys’ bedtime and my bedtime, we didn’t leave ourselves time for dinner or dessert or anything else.
    The boys were great with Granny, and I don’t know why I let myself worry so much about these things. Of course neither of them wanted to go to bed once they laid eyes on her, and Tristan startled the heck out of her by letting himself through the locked baby gate at the top of the stairs, but they all did fine.
    And as for the question of getting lucky – well, it’s hard to verbalize a Cheshire Cat grin so I’ll just say that I’m leaving that question unanswered.
    Yvonne, thanks for the status update! I wonder if I can get a little framed certificate from Google for my wall or something?
    xo Danigirl

  10. You’re not kidding about the collapse of Padme. I had always attributed the survival of Luke and Leia to the courage and strategy of their mother – I had assumed that she must have been an amazing woman to protect them from someone like Darth Vader – not really the kind of woman who would die of a broken heart because she has nothing to live for without her man, her newborn twin babies notwithstanding!
    And that is to say nothing of the hatchet job on Anakin’s character. Darth Vader is a cold villain – he is driven by a love for power and a chilling fanaticism. He is NOT an angry, rebellious, disappointed man – and he would never have been these things. He would start out as a good but disturbingly Machiavellian character, logical to the point of villainy.
    I’ll concede that the dialogue in Revenge of the Sith is not quite as painfully strained as in Episode II – but the movie still falls into the “wish it had never been made” category because it actually takes away from characters that were compelling in the original series.

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