Our wilderness adventure

So have you been on the edge of your seat, waiting for the report on the great wilderness adventure of 2005?

Okay, so it wasn’t exactly wilderness. The campground was perched up on a rolling hill in between a couple of farms on the opposite side of the 401 from Lake Ontario. Not only could we see the lake, we could feel the cold lake winds. The good news is, mosquitoes and black flies hate the cold even more than me. It’s the only time I’ve never received a single bug bite while camping.

The boys had a great time, just like you said they would, you clever blog people. There were ramps in front of the cabins that were perfect for rolling trucks and balls down, and ladders to the bunk beds perfect for climbing.

They loved the little 1970s style playground that reminded me of the parks of my childhood complete with swings, sandboxes, metal monkey bars and those merry-go-round turnstiles guaranteed to take out at least a few kids each day.

The boys loved the freedom of wandering around from cabin to cabin. We didn’t have to worry about traffic because we were the only transient campers in the whole park, and only a couple of hardy seasonal campers were visiting their trailer cottages.

Simon and Tristan continue to be fascinated by their baby cousin Noah:

Did I mention it was cold? By the time we were sitting around the campfire, I was wearing two t-shirts, a sweatshirt, a flannel shirt, a fleece and my brother’s XXL vest. I looked like that kid in A Christmas Story: “I can’t put my arms down!!” (I had remembered to pack everything from toys to baby monitor to coffee maker, but forgot — my coat.)

The rain help off until almost 10 pm, so we had most of the evening to teach Tristan the finer points of campfire etiquette.

It rained most of the night, but let off long enough for us to pack up in the early morning. The boys did wake up at 5:30, but so did everyone else. By 8 am, we were on our way to a warm and greasy and embarrassingly grungy breakfast at a Denny’s a couple of kilometres down the 401.

I hear there’s a great little KOA with cabins somewhere in the Thousand Islands. I’m making a note on my calendar to make a reservation for next year. Call me crazy.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

14 thoughts on “Our wilderness adventure”

  1. Dani
    I’m so Glad your family had a blast. Great Pictures. Little Man seen them and asked if he could join Tristan at the campfire. BUt he wouldn’t drink beer. LMAO!
    great Cabin…Looks like my style.

  2. What’s amazing is that, when your kids are older, the things that seemed so inconvenient at the time will become the most memorable fodder for stories of lore.
    Years from now you’ll be laughing at statements that begin with, “Do you remember when we went camping and it rained and we froze our butts off and we had that grungy breakfast at Denny’s and…”
    I think you’ve inspired me to take my kids camping this year. Thanks!

  3. Danigirl, thank you so much for sharing your camping adventure. Not only do the boys look like they are having a great time (beer and all) but, you all survived!!! Thanks for the inspiration, will show dh and perhaps we will be following in your footsteps 🙂

  4. Hurray! What fun!
    Looks much more laid back and enjoyable than my 10 day excursion to Florida complete with Disney…(sigh) too much too much.
    The boys look great.

  5. Dani,
    I am happy to hear that all went so well that you are planning another trip!!!
    The boys had a great time, adults had a great time, bugs and rain held off…fantastic trip in my books!
    Great shots, thanks for posting them…makes me long for a beer by the fire…ahhh, maybe in another 2 years!!!

  6. You need to check out a place in Mallorytown, just off the 401. Includes horse rides and a water trampoline. Perfect for little ones.

  7. Just reread my own comment, and just wanted to clarify, that I meant you “all survived” in the “made it in one piece” sense 🙂
    And I wanted to add thanks for the photos.

  8. LOL, Anna, thanks for the clarification. The only time our survival was in doubt was when I tried to tell Beloved we needed to cram three more bags of stuff into the back of the station wagon before we left home.
    Kate – Disney with three under three? Yikes, I can only imagine!
    Troy, thanks for dropping by! I really like your blog, BTW. I’ll watch for a camping adventure update!
    Yvonne, thanks for the tip – when are you free for a multi-family trip? 😉
    Nancy, ABSOLUTELY!!!
    xo Danigirl

  9. oh wow, thanks for sharing your adventure complete with pics!! Sounds like a true memory-making-adventure!! Cute kids and cute cabin!

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