At least my daughter-in-law will be obedient

Tristan has been thinking a lot lately about how things will be when he grows up.

First, there will be a new set of rules. Nobody will ever have to cut their fingernails, or go to bed if they don’t feel like it, or share with their brother.

And he’ll be financing his long-nailed and sleepy lifestyle with a variety of career options. These are the things he has told me he wants to be when he grows up, in roughly the order he announced them:

  • an elephant trainer
  • King (I love this one)
  • a fry cook (curse you, Sponge Bob)
  • an animal doctor
  • a hairstylist (!!)

Last week, he looked at me with those stunning, clear gray eyes of his and confided, “Mommy, I know who I’m going to marry when I grow up.”

“You do?” I asked, my heart already breaking with the cuteness of it. “And who might that be?”

“Katie!” he announced with assurance.

I could only laugh. I mean, she’s a gorgeous blond with soulful brown eyes, and she’s as loyal as the day is long, but I don’t think it will ever work out for them.

Did I mention Katie is our dog?

Katie in the sunshine