There’s a lottery game that’s a popular fundraiser here in Canada called “chase the ace.” The basic idea is that you pay to pull a card from a deck, and if you pull the Ace of Spades, you win the pot. That’s not this game, but it is a catchy little phrase that got stuck in my head.
We know that the aces exemplify the energy of their suit in it’s most raw and powerful form. Aces are also about beginnings, so use this exercise when you’re looking to start something new, and you want to draw some of that suit’s energy into your life.
Shuffle your tarot deck well, and think about what it is you want to manifest. Think about the raw energy of the Ace you seek. Looking to manifest career stability or progress, healthy body or physical fitness, or other things in the material realm? You’re looking for the Ace of Pentacles. If you want to manifest love or deepen your intuitive connections, you’re looking for the Ace of Cups. Is it clarity of mind you seek to manifest? Search for the Ace of Swords. And finally, if you’re seeking to manifest that spark of ambition or charisma or personal power, you’re seeking the Ace of Wands.
Turn the cards face up so you can see them, and chase that Ace in the deck. When you find the Ace you seek, look to the card directly underneath it. That is what you need to let go of in order to make room for the Ace’s manifestation. Think of one thing you can let go, or one thing that is holding you back, and write it down. That’s your first action item.
Now look to the card directly above the Ace in the deck. That is where you need to focus in order to manifest the Ace’s energy. Think of one step you can take, one small concrete action you can do. Don’t just write it down; do it! Don’t let this just be a thought exercise. You can’t just wish change into action; you need to actually get things in motion.

Here’s a sample of how this exercise could play out. Let’s say Norah is thinking about selling her home and buying a new one. That’s the realm of the material world, so Norah is looking for the Ace of Pentacles. She shuffles her deck and then looks through until she finds the Ace of Pentacles. Behind the Ace she finds the Three of Cups. Norah realizes that if she moves, she will have to give up her tight clique of neighbours, and she knows she will miss the regular gatherings in each other’s back yards. She makes a note to remind herself to talk to each of the neighbours so they know before the “for sale” sign appears on her lawn, and promise to stay in touch. The card on top of the Ace of Pentacles is the Wheel of Fortune. Norah realizes that selling and buying a home will be very stressful because she is a control freak and there will be many things out of her control. She decides to write up a list of things she can control and things she can’t, and jots down a few ideas for coping with each item.
Good luck, and let me know if you use this exercise and how it works out for you!