I think the paths along Hogsback Falls in Ottawa are truly one of the city’s overlooked treasures. I see photographers crawling all over the Arboretum but am surprised that I rarely see family photos being taken at Hogsback – there’s a stunning variety of backdrops and perfect places for posing and playing. It’s been a few too many years since we’ve been there, though I drive past it on my commute every single day and think about stopping. We took advantage of the incredible weekend weather to go out for a wander.
Taking photos of the boys is more of an adventure than it used to be. I told them to “go over there so I can take your picture.” The posing and art direction was left up to them.
I call it “Album Cover, Autumn 2017 edition.” 😉
I think this would be an acceptable alternate cover.
Some of them are more willing to pose for me than others. It depends on the day which kid is in which category!
(Oh my heart!)
(Yes, that’s my camera. Good thing I carry a spare in my pocket!)
Did I mention it’s been a FEW years since we were up on the lookout?
We have a few favourite spots we go to year after year. I’m making sure that Hogsback Falls is put back into rotation from now on!