Photo of the day: Shine, baby!

Guess what I did today? Okay, so it was supposed to be a 45th birthday present to myself and I’m a little late, but it’s still my birthday month!


Why “shine”? Because it makes me happy, of course! It’s an imperative, for one thing – a sort of reminder to myself that “shine” is exactly what I should always strive to do. And because my Granda’s song was always “You are my sunshine” and because I sang that to all three boys when they were babies. And because of John Lennon’s “We all shine on” and summer sunshine and Lake of Shining Waters, among others. And because we should all shine whenever we can, right?

And why stars? Because they are meaningful to me, and I’m always drawn to star patterns. And of course there are three of them – I do love things that come in threes. And they are red, blue and green, which happen to be two of three boys’ favourite colours. And if you know anything about photography or design, you’ll know what RGB means. I managed to resist getting an actual camera tattoo (barely!) but I couldn’t resist a little photo-geekery in the symbolism.

I love it. LOVE it! It’s better than I hoped it would be. I’ll share the whole experience of designing and actually getting the tattoo in a separate blog post.

What do you think?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

4 thoughts on “Photo of the day: Shine, baby!”

  1. It looks great! The colours really pop. It’s in a beautiful spot too. Everyone will see it. What did your boys think about you getting a tattoo?

  2. I love, love, love it. It’s so perfectly you and so lovely and unique and original, too. We were at Great Wolf Lodge last week and there were SO many tattoos there and most of them seemed simply decorative – but you can tell just by looking at yours that it has meaning. Plus it’s just so cute and charming – like you! Perfect!

  3. Thank you! 🙂 You’re so sweet Lynn, thank you for saying that you can see it’s meaningful to me – that’s exactly what I most wanted.

    Jenny, the boys are interested in it the way they’re interested in everything I do – in a polite sort of way, but it certainly doesn’t seem particularly extraordinary to them. My middle son is more interested in getting an earring and frankly, I’m far more inclined to let him get one of those than a tattoo!

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