The boys of Green Gables, Cavendish beach and more lighthouses

So this pretty much sums up our vacation so far:

No really, the clouds actually looked like this! ;)

Even though it was a longish drive from our rural corner of the Island, we couldn’t really come all the way to PEI without checking out Anne of Green Gables shore, could we? An hour and a half drive up the twisty, winding north coastal roads (because we hate to drive the same road twice if we can avoid it) brought us from the southeast corner of PEI to tourist central at Cavendish, and our first stop of the day was the famous Green Gables.

Cavendish, PEI

Cavendish, PEI

Cavendish, PEI

Cavendish, PEI

We decided to forgo the rather expensive Avonlea Village and opted instead to check out the kitschy shops of the Cavendish boardwalk, and explored Cavendish beach, where white sands meet red sandstone.

Cavendish, PEI

“Hey boys, see those red rocks way over there? We should go climb on them!” says no sane mother anywhere on a blazing 30C day with 60 km/h winds whipping sand. Except me.


That’s at least a kilometer walk, maybe more, and at least half of it is picking your way from rock to wobbly rock. Unless you’re part mountain goat, which my eldest and youngest clearly are, because while I tottered and lumbered and held my camera wrapped in a bag to protect it from the sand, they leapt like gazelles with wings.

Cavendish, PEI

Cavendish, PEI

Cavendish, PEI

We made it all the way to the point!

Cavendish, PEI

And then back again.

Cavendish, PEI

And then back in the car, where we heard about the hurricane (!) bearing down on PEI. Seriously, what IS it about our family vacations and hurricanes? Oh well, we should be on our way home by the time it hits, but we may get brushed by it in Maine. Best to enjoy as much of the Island as we can while the sun shines. Hey, you know what’s a really good idea after the longest day of driving around the Island? Heading down to the most southesterly point of PEI to check out Cape Bear Lighthouse in the sunset!

Cavendish, PEI

Closed to the public by the time we arrived, but still a gorgeous drive through the most pastoral land we have seen on an Island that seems to be lousy with it. I want to live here please!

Cavendish, PEI

One day of exploring left! And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the day Beloved and I got married. Happy anniversary, sweetheart – I do love you so! xo

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

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