Wordless Wednesday – Lucas’s first day of school

I thought I’d have more to say, but I don’t eve know where to start. After four and a half years of sharing my Wednesdays with Lucas, I’ve just come home to an empty house after dropping him off at his first day of school.

Lucas First day of school

I miss him. Is it 11:30 yet?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

3 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Lucas’s first day of school”

  1. Only five minutes, give or take, until he’s home . . . and full of stories of how much fun he had. Or, if he’s like my kid, he shrugs his shoulders and says, “I don’t remember. Can I watch TV now?”


    Congratulations, and hang in there!

  2. Ha Carly, I get the “I don’t remember” response from the big boys all the time. It was TWENTY MINUTES ago – even my memory isn’t that bad!!!

  3. Odd – I was sure my computer said “11:25 am” when I posted the above comment.

    Also in the odd department . . . the Little Man is full of minute details regarding Grade One, so far. I feel like I was there!

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