Four food-group meatloaf recipe

My friend Nancy sent me this recipe years ago, and I love it. LOVE it! It’s easy, it’s tasty, and it’s got all four food groups in it. What more could you ask of a humble meatloaf?

(I’ve become a bit of a snob about my ground beef lately, and have found that this dish tastes even better if you can get locally raised, sustainable and anti-antibiotic ground beef from your butcher, FWIW.)


Here’s what you need:

2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
3 slices bread
1/2 cup chopped onion (sweet is nice here)
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1 cup shredded cheddar
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 1/2 pounds (675 grams) ground beef
1/2 cup ketchup or chili sauce or salsa
1/4 cup brown sugar
squirt of mustard

Mix the eggs and the milk in a big bowl. Tear the bread into small pieces, and stir into the milk/egg mix, beating until the bread disintegrates. Add the onion, carrot, cheese and mix. Add in the beef and mix some more. Pack it into a 9 x 5 loaf pan (mine is pyrex).

In a measuring cup or small bowl, mix brown sugar and mustard with ketchup or chili sauce or salsa or BBQ sauce or some combination of all four. Quantities are not really important for this bit, just mix up a sauce that’s yummy to you. Spread half of it over the top of the meatloaf, and reserve the rest.

Bake for 1 hr 15 mins at 350F. Let stand another 10 minutes when complete. Serve with reserved sauce for dipping. Yum!! We make baked sweet potato fries and garlic balsamic green beans on the side, or baked beans with a leafy salad. Did I mention yum??

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

7 thoughts on “Four food-group meatloaf recipe”

  1. laughing over here! and totally comforted that someone else is blogging about meatloaf…..(ahhhh, the social life ain’t what it used to me)

  2. This may not exactly be a culinary term, but I find the ground beef we get locally (shout out to Fitzroy Beef Farmers) has a more ‘ground-beefy’ taste.

  3. Thanks for posting this recipe! I actually tried this over the weekend, and my whole family (including two kids) love, love LOVED it! I have since named it ‘Mothership Meatloaf’ and put it with my staple recipes.

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