Survivor Redemption Island

Did you catch the commercial this week promoting the new season of Survivor? It’s Boston Rob versus Russell! And I guffawed out loud at Jeff Probst’s observation, “I’m gonna need a bigger torch!”

Apparently, there’s a new twist to the game in this 22nd iteration:

On Survivor: Redemption Island, which premieres Feb. 16 on CBS, when a contestant is voted off, he or she won’t leave the game completely but go instead to Redemption Island, where he or she will face off against the next person voted off in a duel. The winner lives on to face the next arrival at Redemption Island until one person left standing has a chance to return to the game.

(Historic moment, peeps — that may be the first time in six years of blogging that I’ve ever quoted from People magazine!)

Boston Rob is on his, what, fourth or fifth season now, but I’m still looking forward to this. I still think Russell was robbed in Survivor Samoa and totally should have won the million bucks.

I’ve also heard that they’ve adapted the rules to give discretionary power to send someone directly home rather than keeping them around for the jury, after NaOnka and Kelly S quit Survivor Nicaragua. They should not have been allowed to stay as jury members, IMHO.

I just wish they’d move Survivor back to Thursday night where it belongs. After 10 years of habit, it’s messing with the flow of my week to have it on Wednesday nights!

Yay, Survivor is (almost) back!

Edited to add: oooh, and this one is also good. It’s from the CBS website, though, and you have to sit through a 20 second commercial (sigh) first.

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

7 thoughts on “Survivor Redemption Island”

  1. I loved Survivor (except for Africa. Sorry, Ethan.) until shortly after the first all stars show. Heroes vs. Villains was another great game, but having Rob and Russell duke it out again makes me giddy.

    You and I are on opposite sides, though. I’m firmly on Team Rob. 😉

  2. Hello my fellow Survivor buddy! I agree with you on the Wed/Thur switch, but I whole heartedly disagree with the issue of Russell being robbed.

    He completely missed the social component in that you can’t bully people into voting for you. They may not like you, and still vote for you, however, that won’t happen if they don’t respect how you have treated them as a human being. Russell was a complete pig to everyone (EVERYONE) on that island.

    It’s not a poplularity contest, there have been many contestants I couldn’t stand, but they deserved to win. Heck I was even cheering for Russell for a while when it was down to final 4. However, he got so cruel when it was down to the final three and I don’t know how the other players could respect themselves by giving him $1 million dollars.

    Also…when Russel played the second time (Heroes/Villans), no one had seen his “game” the first time as it aired when they were filming the second one.

    He makes for great ratings, and it is sometimes fun to hate someone as it’s almost as fun to root against someone as it is to cheer for someone else. That being said, this doesn’t seem to be an act for him, and he truly seems vile, so I hope his 15 mins is done when his torch is snuffed.

  3. Ah, I love the Survivor debates *almost* as I love the grammar wrangling!! I almost e-mailed you this URL, Snackmommy, so you’d be sure to see it! 😉

    No doubt, Russell is vile. He’s arrogant, he’s cruel and in no way should anyone hold him up as any sort of role model. But he played the hell out of that game. You’ve been watching as long as me — Russell is in the class of Rupert and Johnny Fairplay for turning the game on its ear. He may not have played the social game, but he clawed his way through it and earned the million bucks. Maybe if there was someone else worthy in the final four I would have felt otherwise, but giving it to Natalie was a huge letdown for me.

    I’m on Team Rob this time around, but Russell sure is fun to watch!

  4. Anyone else finding the CAPTCHAs harder and harder to read?

    I agree Russell was robbed but only because he didn’t know his strategy guarantees him second place. Rob was a disappointment last time too. I was glad Russell lost after he helped Rob leave too early! Hope both can adjust their games for my viewing entertainment :). But I’m rooting for Rob.

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