Four-thousand and twenty-two. It’s Simon’s magic number, a quantity that delineates anything between a lot and infinity. As in, “Is my time out done yet? Because I’ve been here for 4022 minutes.” Or, “When I grow up, I’m going to have 4022 webkinz.” Or, “Do I have to eat another pea? I already ate 4022 of them.” I have no idea where this particular number got its significance, but it’s entirely of his own creation.

And, it just happens to be within a couple dozen of the number of unread posts in my bloglines account. Four thousand unread posts calling to me: “Read me! There are funny stories and anecdotes to be read, memes to be filched, wry observations to be appreciated, photos to be admired. Read me, read me, read me!” Sigh. I’ll never catch up. Sorry I haven’t been a good bloggy friend lately. Maybe next week when the boys are in day camp for the week, I’ll catch up. But, probably not. I got up at 5:30 this morning, thinking I’d catch up before everybody else woke up. I did spend more than an hour on the computer, after I savoured the newspaper and a hot coffee, but I still didn’t make it any deeper than the backlog on three or four of my very favourites.

It doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of you guys, though!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

4 thoughts on “4022”

  1. You know, I’ve had this same problem since we started the grand process of selling our house and moving, back in February. I’ve only recently realized that it isn’t going to get any better, and that I would have to come up with a solution.

    So, I look through the titles. Read the most recent posting, any that may jump out, or seem to mark an important event. That done, I hit read all for the rest of the posts of that person and start clean. I was getting so stressed out that I realized I was immobilized. Unable to read, posts piled up higher and higher. Because I was so far behind in reading, I didn’t feel like I could post and expect reciprocity.

    Good luck with your catching up!

  2. My son went through this phase with the number “31”. It took us forever to figure it out because he wasn’t very old. Finally, one night, it hit my husband and I smack in the forehead.

    The conversation went like this:

    Me: I’m going to bed.
    Hubby: I love you.
    Me: I love you too (or two if you are a child)
    Son: But, I love you 31. (because everyone knows that 31 is more than 2)

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