Lucas at three months

Lucas loves the bathtub the way some people love roller coasters or horror movies; his eyes reflect both delight and abject terror, and he watches me with obvious trust. “This is fine, mum, as long as whatever you do, do NOT let go!”

Three months old

Three months of age is the beginning of the fun stage of babyhood, IMHO. Lucas smiles and laughs, and is beginning to interact with the world. He’s discovered his hands, and is starting to be interested in looking at toys and other things. And today, as a three-month-old gift for me, he slept for an hour in his cradle.

Happy third month, big boy!

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

21 thoughts on “Lucas at three months”

  1. OMG he is just adorable. And i wanted to comment on your last post too. Thanks for being so honest about motherhood. I have a friend who has 3 kids and I know she found it hard at first (I could tell) but she would never admit it. Everything was always fine, and perfect. Your honesty is so appreciated.

  2. What a fantastic picture Dani. Even if we couldn’t see your arms, it is so evident that he is looking right into your eyes. You’re his girl alright.

  3. wow.
    What love. What a love.
    An honour, isn’t it, to be trusted so much?
    Great previous post, too – totally with you there, even with only 2.

  4. The first three months are the hardest-you made it! He is just beutiful.

  5. Awww…Could he be any cuter! And look at thoes eyes!
    What a looker you have Dani. But of course you have 3 lookers!

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