The mouse that roared

As seen at Chichimama’s place, a fun little bit of memery with a very slick presentation:

A mouse, eh? I was hoping for something a little more, um, dramatic maybe? A serpent, a lioness, maybe even a stallion. Maybe my self-assessment was off… I mean, modest and humble? Um, not so much. You can click through the image and refine my daemon by playing along or just go here and make yer own. (Edited to add: oh, I get it now, it changes as people add their feedback. Cool!)

So when does my Daemon become Matt?

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

10 thoughts on “The mouse that roared”

  1. I got a mouse, too. It’s name is Aeron, like the chair, I suppose? I declined to post it on my blog for feedback, so I guess Aeron and I are stuck together for all eternity. At least I can carry him around in my pocket.

  2. I am so stealing this! Totally loved the books (all three) made my book club read the first one. Am kind of worried that the movie won’t live up to my high expectations.

  3. Books? There are books? (off to the library site to check them out – literally, I hope!)

    And, um, which one of you demoted me from a tiger to a hare????

  4. Uh, I think that was me. Sorry!

    For what it’s worth, I tried to tiger you back, but I turned you into a mouse so now you’re back to the rabbit.

    If it’s any consolation, I love bunnies…

  5. I adored this series of books. I’ve had the same hesitation about the movie possibly not living up to the standard of the books, but from the previews it looks wonderful.

  6. Okay, so I’d never heard of them before now and suddenly these books are EVERYWHERE! They’re in the scholastic book order catalogue, and I saw them in Chapters, too. And there are 76 people ahead of me in the queue for it at the library.

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