Holy crap, I did it!

Last week, I was telling you that I had to take my second-language exam. In the obscure way of rating second-language ability for government employees, there is a five-point rating scale:

x = statistically insignificant
A = basic comprehension
B = intermediate ability
C = fluent
E = exempt from future testing

They measure your ability in three categories – reading, writing and speaking. You have to be tested every five years, unless you get that glorious exemption score. It’s been six years since I’ve been tested, and any future promotions hinge on me getting at least at least a B level across the board. In 2000, I scored a C in reading and a B in writing and speaking.

I got my results from my reading and writing tests. I scored a C in both!! Woo hoo! In fact, I only missed getting my exemption in reading by one point.

So now I go for my oral exam on March 2, and I need to get my B level -and the oral exam is always the hardest part. But I’ll take my CC and run with it! (huge, happy exhalation of breath)

Author: DaniGirl

Canadian. storyteller, photographer, mom to 3. Professional dilettante.

34 thoughts on “Holy crap, I did it!”

  1. Félicitations!! Je suis (encore) en train d’obtenir mes niveau C dans touts les critère. J’espere que je vais reussir comme toi. Bon chance pour ton prochaine test.

  2. Félicitations!! Je suis (encore) en train d’obtenir mes niveau C dans touts les critère. J’espere que je vais reussir comme toi. Bon chance pour ton prochaine test.

  3. Félicitations! Je suis fière de vous, et je suis certain que vous ferez super sur votre test prochain! Portez un turtleneck dépouillé pour la bonne chance! 😉

  4. Félicitations! Je suis fière de vous, et je suis certain que vous ferez super sur votre test prochain! Portez un turtleneck dépouillé pour la bonne chance! 😉

  5. Awww, thank you all. You are so sweet!! Um, I guess that should be, “Merci”!!
    And Nancy, you confused me for a minute there with ‘meme chose’ – my head translated half of it and I almost went to your and Twinmom’s blogs looking for the “a meme thing”, as in bloggy meme.
    Guess I still need to practise a little bit more, eh?

  6. Awww, thank you all. You are so sweet!! Um, I guess that should be, “Merci”!!
    And Nancy, you confused me for a minute there with ‘meme chose’ – my head translated half of it and I almost went to your and Twinmom’s blogs looking for the “a meme thing”, as in bloggy meme.
    Guess I still need to practise a little bit more, eh?

  7. Dani, did you know that the French Canadian or “jouale” equivalent to the ubiquitous canadianism “eh?” would be “lah” dragging on the “a” as one wishes?
    For example:
    “Quelle bonne pomme, lah!”
    “C’est qui çà laaah?”
    “J’en ai assez lah’lah!”
    But don’t use that in an oral exam 🙂

  8. Dani, did you know that the French Canadian or “jouale” equivalent to the ubiquitous canadianism “eh?” would be “lah” dragging on the “a” as one wishes?
    For example:
    “Quelle bonne pomme, lah!”
    “C’est qui çà laaah?”
    “J’en ai assez lah’lah!”
    But don’t use that in an oral exam 🙂

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